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>>> 1 week later <<<

I don't have to do anything now..

So instead o just sitting around or just resting , I walk around inside the house .

I just walk and walk ..

And then walk through the piano.

I hope Michael won't get mad if I play some music in his piano without his permission.

I sit in and play my favorite song

(Everytime by Britney Spears... Just search it on youtube so you can listen to it if you want to know what Samantha is playing)

"Everytime I try to fly I fall without my wings I feel so small I guess I need you baby"

I sing the chorus part only

Then suddenly somebody clap his/her hands

I turn around to see who was it.

I was shock when I saw Michael standing behind me.

Am I in trouble ? Maybe his mad at me ? If his mad , then why will he clap his hands ?

"Sorry sir, I use your piano without your permission. I'm really sorry sir" I look down with embarassment

"It's okay. You have a beautiful voice." he said to me

"Thank you."

"Do you know how to play other songs?" he asked

"Yes sir. I know how to play some of your songs."

"Really? Will you play one"

I started playing his song I'll be there and I start singing also.

Afterwards he sing with me .

His voice is so angelic .. What a lovely voice ..

When we are in the middle of the song my phone rings.

So I need to get up and answer the phone.

"Sorry sir buut I need to take this call" I said

"It's okay"

My friend Taylor is calling


""So what's up Taylor?"

"Oh nothing, I just miss you"

"That's so sweet, I miss you too bestieeee !"

"So what's goin' on with that maid thing?"

"It's great.. I'm just playing the piano with him right now"

"What did you say ?? You're playing the piano with him ?" she screams at me

"Hey shut up  .. It hurts my ear, ok got to go . I call you back later"

I said

then we hung up ..


I go back to the piano and Michael is still sitting there.

"Is that your riend calling?" he asked

"Yes, she just said that she missed me"

"That's nice of your friend, she's so thoughtful ."

"Yeah she is"

"Would you them to go here? Im paying or it"

"Seriously ?? I like to but it's too much."

"No its okay, don't mind that .. I'll call your friends later to give them the good news."

"Thank you so much !"

I just start jumping and thanking him..

Then I accedentally hug him. He smells so good.

I didn't mean to hug him , but I can't control myself I'm just so happy



She just start jumping and thanking me ..

I think she really misses her friends.

I was shock when she hug me.

I blush but I don't think she sees it bcoz she's hugging me ..

I felt electricity coming to bones I don't know what that means ..

But it's kinda awkward ..

"Thank you again, Michael"

"You're always welcome"

I love helping people .. But this time it's a diferent thing, I feel a feeling that I can't explain

I think like her , NO I think I LOVE HER ..

She smiles to me.

She turn around and ho back to her room.

I stand up and saw her phone beside me..

I think I should call her friends now..

I get the phone and I call her friends ..

 After the conversation with her friends I walk to her room to give back her phone.

I give her the phone back .. And I quickly go to my room to see the calendar and check my schedule ..

It All Started with a Dare [Super Slow Editing !!]Where stories live. Discover now