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Will you marry?

Wtf!! Is he out of his mind. Is he really asking me to marry him? Gosh! what will I do?

I just stood there looking him . I really don't know what to say. Of course I want to say yes. Yes I want to marry him. I want to have a family with him. I want to grow old with him. I love him with all my heart and I know it myself.

But what if I say yes , and his family will just push me again away from him?


He said.

I snap out of my deep thoughts.

"Will you marry me Samantha? Please marry me I know you us to be married"

He asked again.

Yes I want to be married with you. But I don't want to be selfish. I respect what his family want for him.

I'm so happy to be with you. But I'm scared to our relationship. I'm afraid that they will keep us away from each other. I'm so incomplete without him.

I just run away from him. I did not say yes to question. I also did not say no. I just leave him there without answering his question.

I'm like 3 meters away from him. I start crying. I don't to leave him there. Yes I accept his friendship. But moving on to the next level so fast? I don't think that's a good idea.

I can't feel my foot .. I can't walk . I just stand there 3 meters away from him. Suddenly the rain falls down . I look back to see of he is gone. But he is still there. Still down on his knees. His head is down. I was trying to see his face but his curly hair is covering it. I was looking at him. It's like 15 minutes has passed but he is still not moving. My heart says I want to go back and say yes I want to marry him, and be his wife. But my brain is debating with my heart. My heart is saying I need to go and leave him there for his own good.

But what if he get sick ? he still need to perform for his concert.

I'm heavily broken and I don't know what to do. The rain keeps getting stronger.

He stand up. But still his head is down. I started walking.

Don't look back. don't look back. please don't look back. don't look back..

I don't want to see him hurting. he's not the only one hurting here. I'm also hurting.

I run and run and run. I was embracing myself. I just can't control my tears.


"Samantha? What happened? Why are you soaking wet?"

Ashley asked me I did not answer her. And I just hug her .

"Okay.If you don't to tell me what happened It's alright. You can tell it to me if you're ready and if you want to . I'm you're friend. I'm always ready to listen"

I just sob on her shoulder.

And kept on crying. I'm gonna tell her what happened later. She just kept on patting my head and saying It's okay and Everything will be alright.


After I took a shower. I tell her every detail of what happened earlier with Michael and I. And she said that my decision was right that there is no need to rush things. I f we are meant to be then whatever happens we will be together in the end.

It All Started with a Dare [Super Slow Editing !!]Where stories live. Discover now