chapter three: the concert

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"So,  Are you both ready ?" Taylor asked

"Hell yeah! So much ready! Can't wait to see him , how bout you sam (short for samantha)?"

"ughh! I don't know, And I don't care !"



We got the VIP tickets and we had the chance to meet him in the backstage .

Just before the concert starts I got so excited so I quickly run to the backstage to see my IDOL  !

The girls quickly followed me.

But as I am about to go through the backstage ,  two of the guards stop and grab me ..

I just shout and shout , then suddenly Michael Jackson came out..

"Ohh , what's happening here ? Let go of her , can't you see she's hurting. " Michael said confused

I run to him as the guards let go of me

"Uhm ? Hi ! I just want to get an autograph and a picture from you. Can I?"

"Sure . :)" he said softly

"I Love you Michael !" I said , not shouting

I'm keeping myself calm .

I don't want him to think that I'm crazy or some kind of a psycho

As soon as I got my picture and autograph .. the lady behind him said that the concert will be starting in a second.

So I then walk out and find a nice place to watch ..



The concert will soon start .. my two friends here are going crazy !!

I just stand and take some pictures ..



After the concert .. we walk again to the backstage .

and then I hear he's talking to one of the people behind him ..

"Mr. Jackson , uhm, sorry to bother you , but we want you to know that one of the maids in Neverland got sick so she can't go to work anymore" said the man

"Oh that's sad to hear , uhm so I think I will need to hire a maid again" he said

"Yes Mr. Jackson"


I with my bestfriends walk in so we can chit chat with him , just a little minute .

I think  i'm not hating him anymore .. he has a good heart , and he loves his fans very much ..

maybe i stop hating him anymore :) he don't deserve it

It All Started with a Dare [Super Slow Editing !!]Where stories live. Discover now