Chapter 32- Can't Remember To Forget You

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Chapter 32 - Can't Remember To Forget you.

This chapter is dedicated to the wonderful @gorm25 !! Hope you like this!


It's still early in the morning but I already having a terrible headache.

I scream because it hurts really.

Like my head it gonna burst.

Brooklyn came running to see how I feel and she handed me two different tablets of medicine to lessen the pain. And after a few minutes it does. I'm so glad that it doesn't that much.

It's always like that. I wake up in the middle of the night or early in the morning because of my headaches, so sometimes Brooklyn have to stay in my bedroom.

"I smell something. Are you cooking? Or anything?" I asked Brooklyn but she just shook her head to say no.

I went downstairs to see where the smell is coming from. And who's causing it.

"Hey! My baby is awake. Goodmorning Samantha!"

Michael said with his usual high pitched voice. It's so cute when he's happy. Wait.. Michael is here? How come that I didn't know ?

"M-Michael? I didn't know you're home already."

I said to him with a complete shock or confusion. I don't know.

He just giggle. Which makes me smile.

"Don't worry about that. Come here. I already prepared your breakfast."

Awww! He's so sweet  .. So he already prepared my breakfast. I will miss this cause I will sure forget that he made or prepared breakfast for me.

I sit on the chair in front of him.

"Uhmm. By the way Michael, this is Brooklyn my friend."

I introduce her to him. I hope that she haven't said anything to Michael about my condition.

"Yeah I already know her. We talked a little while you're sleeping"

"W-what did you two t-talked about?"

Nervously I look at him then to Brooklyn then Michael again. I really really hope that she haven't said anything about my condition ..

"Nothing much. She just said that you are her friend a long time ago but you lost connection. So you need to catch up about so many things."

He said

Ohh thank God! He doesn't know yet. I'm planning to keep this condition of mine to Michael a secret as long as I can.

So here I am ... Stunned by the gorgeous face of the man in front of me. We just watch tv after we eat then cuddle each other. Talked about his concert tour.

And lots of stuff. We really missed each other so bad. Time really flies so fast when you're happy with the one you love. So better make every single second of that day a moment to be remembered.

"Come on ! I'm gonna show you something!" He sounds really excited about it.

"What is it? You can just show it to me in here."

"Oh come on! Just come with me"

He then grabs my hand and then pull me out of the sofa to go outside.

Nothing special was there so I'm starting to think what's the surprise is. I also realize that its also dark outside. I look at my phone and see that its already 7 PM ...

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