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I shouted ..

Gosh what happened to my room? Did someone rob my room? Only Ashley and I can access the whole house ..

"Just stay here. I'll go inside to see if someone's there" Michael said. Ohh he's really a gentle man.

I just replied with a nod. Then he went in.

It's impossible that Ashley's the one who did this . She can't do that . And besides she with me the whole day.

After a minute Michael walks out.

"I think everythings clear here." then he step aside to let me in. Ashley went down to prepare some food.

I walk in and look around my room. My stuffs are all scattered on the floor . The picture frames are on the floor. My closets are even open and the clothes are everywhere . But as I was investigating my room. I realized that nothing is missing. Not even a single thing. My laptop is only on the top of my bed. My Ipad is just beside the lamp. If a theif walks here in my room then why didn't he get my gadgets. He just scattered all my things.

What is this person up to? I don't get it.

"Let me help you fix these"

Michael insisted

"I appreciate your help. but---"

"I don't accept no for an answer"

Okay I have no choice. It's not that I don't want his help. Actually I like it, I'll spend more with him. But it's just.


Ugh nevermind...

After cleaning the room .. I quickly change my clothes into something nice and prepare for the dinner.

I walk down the stairs and walk towards Michael.

He leaned forward tgat we are so close to each other. I smell his wonderful scent.

"You look wonderful Samamtha." he whispered to me. Oh his voice. the way he say my name is just so.. so wonderful. it's just perfect. It send chills to my spine that make me shiver in a good way.

"Thanks. You too. you look... Handsome."I said

We drove to Neverland and everything happens so fast. His mom greeted me gracefully. His mom is so nice. We easily get along each other. We are now eating our foods while talking fun things to each other.

Then suddenly we here a knock on the door.

"Mom. Have you invited anyone else instead of Samantha?" Michael asked..

"Hmm. I don't remember inviting anyone else. Maybe it's one of the maids." His mom said.

"Linda! Can you open the door please.?" His mom called Linda one of their maids.

"Well, Am I not invited to this little dinner or 'celebration' of yours?" We all look to the direction where the voice is coming from.

And it was Hanna. I look at Michael and his momand I can see the surprised look on their face. But I don't think they are happy to see Hanna. Michael is giving a what-are-you-doing-here look.

So what's happening here. Am I missing something?

Maybe she's here to take away Michael from me. Or to ruin our relationship. Or to say that she is pregnant and Michael's the father. Or maybe she will kill me for taking Michael. Oh no. It can't be. I don't want to assume things.

"I can see that Samantha is here. So you really choose that girl over me." she said again

"Would anyone like to speak? If you don't then I will. You left me for that Samantha the nice girl. Can't you see? She's too thin. S-she's too ugly. She's a social climber Michael. She is just using you. She just want your mon--" she said but she gets cut off by Michael.

"Stop it Hanna. You're just ruining everything." Michael said with an angry tone.

"Oh no Michael. I'm not ruining everything. I'm just explaining everything."

She said as a retort

"Yes you are. Can't you see how desperate you are? Bill! Can you get Hanna off the house please?"

Yes I agree .. At first I thought she is nice. But now I can see how desperate she is. But maybe she is just doing this because of her love to Michael. Maybe I'll do the same thing if I was in her place. But what she did is just ugh.. I can't explain

Bill and two mote guards push Hanna to leave. She is saying something. I can see her mouth move but I can't understand what she's trying to say.


At last!!! finally updated. I'm so sorry for the long wait. So Hanna is back. What do you think is her revenge? Who do you think went to Samantha's house ane scattered all the things? Any idea? If you have then don't forget to comment.

Thanks for the comment and votes ! it gives me inspiration to continue this story. And please tell your friends or anyone you knew about this story. I love you all

And guys I have a problem. It's brownout here or blackout or whatever you call it when we don't electricity because of the typhoon. So my gadgets are all dead except for my phone which will be dead soon . So I hope you understand if it takes too long for me too update. That's all . See you soon guys. Muahh.

plaese don't forget to vote . comment. follow. fan. promote!

and also tweet me on twitter: @july14 kim

follow me on instagram: khimberlyannne.14

thank you all. By the way I just turned fifteen this july 14 hahaha. Okay this is getting too long. Bye

#keepMichaeling <3

It All Started with a Dare [Super Slow Editing !!]Where stories live. Discover now