Chapter 31 : Headaches

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This chapter is dedicated to @Katherinlovesmj ... I hope you like this!


It's been a month since that kiss happened. Sadly, I lose contact with Kris. Maybe its for the good though.

But lately this past few days I've been having a lot of headaches. I didn't to tell it to Michael. I don't want to worry. But there are times that Michael saw that I'm always not in the mood. And sometimes , I just can't hide to Michael that my head is aching. So I just said that I just got a simple headache and there's nothing to worry about.

But as time pass by, the headache becomes worse and worse.

I just go to the hospital while Michael is away having his concert tour.

"Did you have any accidents before that cause damages to your head?" The doctor said

"Yes" I simply answered

After several test the doctor finally said something.

"Well, these headaches that's been bothering you is just the after effect when had that accident." Mr. Hobbs (the doctor) said

"I'll take that as a good thing. But why does it become worse and worse each day?" I asked with confusion. I suddenly notice that Mr. Hobbs smile suddenly turns into a frown. There must be some bad news.

"So there goes the worst part...." Mr. Hobbs continued "...Apperently this headaches will become worst. I cannot do anything to stop this, But I can give you some prescriptions that may help lessen the pain."

"So what do you mean that it can't be stopped?" Sudden feel of sadness amd confusion rose around me.

"Sooner or later you will forget what happened. I mean, you can still remember the past.. The things that happen before the accident. But your short term memory is the one affected..."

"Short term memory?" I asked

"Yes. Short term memory is everything that you do each day. It means that every day after you sleep, you'll forget the things that happened a day ago.. The only thing you will remember are the things you did before the accident. This will slowly. Each time you'll wake up.. You'll hardly remember the things happened a day ago. But if you're lucky enough, you'll forget it but there will be some things that happened that you'll remember. When I say some things, I meant some part. It will be like solving a puzzle, sometimes you'll remember it but not all of it."

The doctor must have seen the confused look on my face. So he decided to talk again to enlighten me.

"You're brain cannot process any new things that you do. This will not happen now but I'm sure this will happen estimatedly after a month... For example, you're here today. You will do things today. But when you sleep, you will wake up like the accident didn't happen at all. And you will do the things that you planned before the accident... So I advice you to make an everyday dairy and put down all the things tgat happened before you sleep. So that you can read it everytime. It may not bring back your memory but it will help you understand."

I just heard what the doctor said. I can't do anything. I just sat there in one of the hospital beds and cry my eyes out.

Life is so unfair. Life is really so unfair, isn't it? And I hate it. I already considered my life as a perfect one. Living happily with Michael and planning on getting married soon. And now this? I will probably forget my wedding day. Wedding is one that I consider an impotant event. This will be the happiest event in my life. And I will probably forget it.

And what if we have children? I will surely forget that I got pregnant and I already have kids. I will also forget their names. I don't want that to happen. I would be a horrible wife and mother if that happens.

Just thinking the thought of it is making me sick.

What was the date of my accident? I look into some files in my room to find out.

Luckily, I found some files from the hospital that I got confined.

It says that the accident happened last March 26, 2014 ...

If the doctor was right, what will happen is that .. I will sleep and I will wake up like its March 26, 2015 ... That will happen in my entire life ..

This is as bad as a nightmare.

But this is reality.

Michael will be home by next week or two. I don't want him knowing my condition. I'll just try my best to act normal.

The next week I went back to the hospital to have a weekly check up...

After the check up...

"Samantha, this is Ms. Brooklyn. She will be your house nurse. She will always remind you to read your diary. Because I know that one day you'll forget that you have a diary. And she will always explain to you what happened."

So after that I went home with Ms. Brooklyn.

"Ms. Brooklyn ..." I said but she cuts me off. "Just call me Brooklyn."

"Okay, Brooklyn. Can I ask for favor?"

"Yes. What is it Samantha?"

"Can you please just wear casual clothes everytime your in my house? Please don't wear your nurse uniform. I don't want Michael to know about my condition. Please just act like we're friends." I said

"Okay if that's what you wish for.. And plus we can totally be friends."

She smiles widely

She is nice. And she really can be my friend. Plus , she will always be at the house .. So she will probably be my bestfriend.

When we got home, I showed her her new room. And she really likes it. She quickly change her nurse uniform to a tshirt and shorts but not too short.

I decided to call Michael so that he will not freak out when he got home.

I get my phone and dialed his number. And he quickly answer on the second ring.

~on the phone~

"Hey Samantha! How's my baby? Are doing good?" He said sounding very happy.

"Yeah I'm okay. How about you? Are doing okay? You're probably tired right now."

"I'm doing good. And yeah I'm a little tired cause the concert just ended."

"Oh.. Can I tell you something? Or ask you something?"

"Yes ofcourse. What is it my love?"

"Uhmm. I have a friend named Brooklyn. And something bad happens with her family. Can she live with us here in the house?"

"Sure. No problem. If she's your friend. And if she don't have anywhere to stay. That's okay with me."

"Okay. Thanks Michael .. I love you. And keep safe"

"I love you too and keep safe always"


So how are you liking my story so far?
And comment what you think about the story and if you have some suggestions.

Okay lyric guess again.
I will dedicate the next part to the first who got it right.

Baby, save my soul tonight
I need your loving
Yeah it's right for me
Your touch is strong you see
And I'd adore to be
Your night time lover.

So that's it just comment if you want to be the next part to be dedicated to you..

And by the way , meet @feliciaxann as Brooklyn

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