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My alarm clock ring at exactly 7 pm. As soon as I got up from the soft bed I come down to go to the living room and meet my boss.

"Hey Samantha. You arrive on time. That's good. Well have you rest already?" he said

"Thank you. Yes I already had a rest" I said smiling to him

"okay , let's tour you around. Let's start at the little zoo" he said

Oh yeah I'm excited! He got a little zoo ,a spa , mini theater, a mini museum, and a lot more.
It's so big! I only see Neverland on television and on pictures. Now I am standing inside this huge amusement park called Neverland.

"okay, your work as a maid will officially start tomorrow. Lisa will tell you what to do. You can now go back to your room. Please feel at home don't feel like you're a maid , feel like you a guest. You can walk around the house if you don't have anything to do." he said softly

"okay and Thank you again Michael."I said

And I just walk to my room. And Lisa give me a maid costume. She said that it should be always worn. Because that's the rule, because Michael wants everything to be neat, clean and organized.

"all you need to do tomorrow is to clean the furnitures."Lisa said

And Lisa walk out my room.

I look around my room for the second time.

I have my own bathroom. And I walk inside the bathroom and it has a bath tub and a shower.

So I take a shower a put on my pajamas. Sa I can go to sleep and be ready for tomorrow.

I lay down my bed and call my friend Taylor for the news.


(The italicized part is my friend Taylor and the bold part is me..)

"Hey ! what's up?"

"Oh nothings new. Everything is the same as you left"

"Is that so? well I just want to tell you guys that I missed you already."

"Yeah we missed you too. By the way do leave and go to California? What are you going to do there?"

"Oh nothing , remember the dare you give me?"

"Yeah !! haha sa what's with the dare?"

"I'm here at Neverland. I applied as a maid so that I can be close to him and and be friends with him so that I will be done with that dare."

"Oh really you're there at Neverland? well, Goodluck !!"

"Ok , thanks ! bye .. Lav yah !"

"Bye take care !! "


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Sorry guys this chapter is too short I'll make it more interesting on the next chapter. Please give me some suggestions for the story. And don't forget to comment and vote 


It All Started with a Dare [Super Slow Editing !!]Where stories live. Discover now