Chapter Fourteen

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>>>Samantha's pov<<<

And the door suddenly opens

We both look at the door

And bill walks in

"Not now Bill ! "

Michael shouted as he recognize that it was Bill

I can see the mixed sad and anger look on Michael's face

I can tell by the way he looks that he really wanted to make this love thing

Oh poor Michael ...

I look at Bill he is totally confused

But I think he knows what Michael means

I look back to Michael and back to Bill ..

and suddenly Bill and I start laughing so hard

Muchael gives me serious look ..

I look at him still laughing

"I'm sorry Michael but I can't stop laughing. You're so cute when you do that !" I said to him

I tried not to laugh

"Do what ?"

he said to me

"Oh nothing.. Nevermind !"

"So what's that box you're holding?"

Michael ask Bill as we start to calm down

"Oh this is for Samantha. A friend of hers asked me to give this to her. I forgot the name of that person."

He handed me the box with an envelope . Michael helpe with the box ..

"Okay Michael I'm going now you can continue what you are doing .. And Samantha you look gorgeous today have a nice day. bye "

Bill said and he winked at Michael.

As soon as he got out of the room I asked Michael if he still wants to do this making love thing.

He nodded

"But if you don't want I understand."

he smiled to me and I smiled back to him

I kiss him quickly

and I run to the sofa and Michael does the same

I quickly open the envelope ..

There's a letter

This is what it says

"Hello Samantha! Your mom told us about your accident I'm sorry about that. I hope you're okay now.
I've been busy the past days because I am now managing my family company. Hope you understand. I have a gift for you inside the box. Thats my advance guft for your birthday. That's all I want to say. Take care and godbless..

                   -You're friend Taylor :)) "

Oh thats very sweet

I open the box with excitement

I saw a figurine (I don't know if thats figurine. Its like a little statue ) and I look closer to it and I realize that its a figurine (or a little statue ) if me ..

and its like Im holding a guitar ..

Its so cute ..

I really love it

Im gonna keep it in my room

Even though she is busy she still gets the time to write a letter and send a gift for me..

"I think shes really a nice friend.. " Michael said

"I wish I have friends. Like you have"

he continous

"Oh dont you have friends."

I asked him

"I have friends but only some of them I call real friends"

he answered

Oh poor Michael

I know thats hard for him because all he wanted is to treat him like a normal person

"When will you start touring again?"

"Uhm i dont know I think next week."

"Oh. Can I stay at my friends house while you're on tour?"

"Why ? Don't you wanna come with me ?"

"Of course I want to come with you. But I just want to visit my friend"

"Okay If thats what you want"

"Thanks Michael!"

I hug him so tight

And I kiss him passionately

Actually I'm nit really going to a friends house.

I just have to stay home.

I dont know why..

a week after

"Are you sure you are okay staying here alone?"

"Yes im okay. Be safe I love you !"

"I love you too. I need to go now bye"

I watch him go to his car and drive


I walk outside to get some fresh air

I saw a cafe just a little walk from the house so I decided to go there.

I'm just wearing a plain white tshirt and a high waist shorts..

"Hey !"

I hear a female voice shout

I look around and I saw that I was alone ..


sorry for the very late update
Im just so busy the past days..

this is a short one but i still hope you lik this one ..

please comment if you have any suggestions ..
also if you want to say something

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love love love
keep Michaeling !
much love

It All Started with a Dare [Super Slow Editing !!]Where stories live. Discover now