Chapter 1: For Nya

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-Third person POV-

It's been one year after the defeat of Wojira and the disappearance of Nya, who sacrificed herself to save Ninjago City. After her funeral, a few of the Ninja, more specifically Jay, Kai and Lloyd, left the team, leaving only Cole, Zane, Pixal and Wu.
Although many citizens of Ninjago City were extremely grateful, there were those that began to blame the Ninja for all the destructions that kept appearing. Some even began a riot, demanding more activities from the police or even a new team of heroes that wouldn't cause anymore destructions.

In the Spinjitzu Monastery-

"This was scene last night, where a vengestone smuggling operation was thwarted by group of heroes, calling themselves 'The Neo Ninja'." Gayle reported, which shocked Cole.

"Neo Ninja?!?" Cole couldn't believe what he heard.

"That's right. The 'Neo Ninja', after the people that rioted against the old Ninja got even more intense. The newly elected mayor, Ulysses Trustable decided to make a new batch of heroes. Here is what Mayor Trustable has to say regarding the old Ninja and the people who uses elemental powers." Gayle said and the screen changed to the Mayor.

"You know, every time the old Ninja tries to 'help', they just cause even more problems with their powers that includes their allies that also uses powers! So, to prevent even more destruction, I, Ulysses Trustable, will ban the use of elemental powers in the City and bring order with advance tech weapon, which is exactly what Neo Ninja are doing. Bringing order." Ulysses said with great confidence which made Cole very upset and forced him to turn off the TV.

"Neo Ninja?!? Elemental powers banned?!? Bringing order?!? Can you believe that guy?!?" Cole ranted, but Zane just looked at blank.

"The mayor is not wrong. Ever since the Neo Ninja, there has been barely any criminal activities that is worth our attention." Zane replied.

"How can you that so calmly!?!" Cole yelled a lot more than he intended. Hearing his anger, Zane opened his core to answer his question.

"Simple. I deactivated my emotion meter." Zane explained, this response just made Cole very confused.

"You did? Why?" Cole asked with curiosity.

"After the disappearance of Nya, I found my productivity decreasing drastically. This due to an emotion I don't understand on why people have, grief. By turning off my emotions, my abilities to work has increased tenfold." Zane answered, irritating Cole.

"Grief huh? Well lucky you, grief isn't something I can just turn off. Especially when I lose people close to me." Cole angrily said and walked away while throwing the remote on the floor.

As soon Cole left the underground base, Pixal Zane approached out of worry.

"Zane, that wasn't a nice thing to say." Pixal scolded Zane.

"I was merely stating the downsides of emotions and why it's a pointless thing." Zane blankly said, and went back working.

Pixal couldn't believe how badly Zane has changed. It was extremely disheartening, the man she loved has now become a near heartless person.

'If that's what you think, then maybe we are NOT compatible...' Pixal thought and left to do her own things.


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