Chapter 42: Water Vs Darkness

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-Third Person POV-

Ninjago City...

One of the remaining crystal Nindroid flew to Pythor, the last General of the Council, to report a something massive from the Sea.

"General Pythor, we've spotted some resistance from the Sea." The Nindroid reported.

"The Sea? What kind of resistance?" Pythor asked. "And who is leading them?"

"The Islanders from the Storm Amulet island." The Nindroid answered. "And they're being lead by the Lightning Ninja." He added.

The last answer completely ticked the Anacondrai. "WHAT!?!?!"


Although the Islanders swore that they would never leave their island, because of their friendship with Jay and the chaos that has occurred, the Islanders knew they had to fight despite the odds. Just like with Kalmaar and the Merlopians, they would rather fight to the death than surrender.
The Islanders took everything from their island for an assault even greater than Wojira's.

"Jay, how are you feeling?" Maya stood next to him.

"Determined." Jay answered. He then took out a weapon Maya gave him after she left Merlopia.

It was a Merlopian trident from the Royal line. It was a gift by Benthomaar after the Merlopian accepted him as king.

The Islander Chief stepped forth to see the island of Ninjago. The Land created by the Child whom had lead Mammatus' ancestors against Wojira.

"So... That is the Land the First Spinjitzu Master." Mammatus spoke. "It a lot more different than what I originally imagined."

"Yeah..." Jay muttered. "Nya sacrificed herself to save it... but now the Overlord has ruined it and tarnished her noble sacrifice."

Maya patted his shoulder. "Don't worry, Jay. She's with us now, and we will take back the beautiful land Nya fought for."


Ninjago Harbour...

Pythor ordered many crystal warriors to make a defensive line and shoot all of the Islanders once they are in range.
The fleet of the Islanders were getting closer and the crystal warriors prepared to fire, but a few of them halted when they saw water bubbling, and a few seconds later.


Benthomaar jumped out of the water, and then slammed the ground with his spear, generating a small shockwave pushing the crystal warriors back a little. Before the crystal warriors could attack the King...

An entire force of Merlopian warriors jumped out of the water and attack the crystal warriors, knocking them back in the process. Very soon, the fleet of the of the Islanders finally arrived and Jay, Maya, the Chief and EVERYONE from their island attacked the crystal warriors.

When Islanders brought everything... they really brought EVERYTHING for their final battle. All the Keepers of the Island, all the jungle dragons and all the Stone Guardians.
Aside from Nya, the Stone Guardians are the most powerful fighters and tanks due to their unique abilities.
The crystal warriors fired their dark energy's at the Stone Guardians, but they were completely unaffected and they absorbed them to redirect them twice the power, greatly weakening the crystal warriors allowing the Merlopians and Keepers to completely destroy them.

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