Chapter 29: So It Begins

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-Third Person POV-

After Cole and Vania had a pep talk about Vangelis, they both went their separate ways to check on the others. Vania went to see Korgran and the foot-soldiers, while Cole went to check on how Milton Dyer and Unagami were doing with the root-jets he was modifying.

"Mr Dyer, how goes the process?" Cole asked.

"It's going fine." Dyer replied. "But, although most of the jets are already prepared, *sigh* we're barely even half-way to completing the modifications."

"Well... how many anti-jets do we have?" Cole questioned.

"Just thirty." Unagami answered with disappointment.

Cole was flabbergasted at the tone. "JUST?!? Dyer!! Thirty is amazing!!!" He smiled.

Dyer was a little surprised at Cole's expression. "You think? Well maybe against the crystal warriors it's great. But what about the flying beasts? The Overlord is surely going to have as much air support as he does with the crystal warriors." He said with concern.

"Maybe. But if an extremely skilled pilot were to ride these jets, imagine the damage we can do?" Cole smirked.

"Cole does make a great point, Milton." Unagami said. "If King Argos can find some his finest pilots, then thirty could be enough to hold an army before the last remaining jets are completed."

"Perhaps. Cole, do you think you can help the King with the pilot selections?" Dyer requested.

Cole nodded. "Leave it to me."

With Lou...

Originally, Lou wanted to see his son, but he decided to see Vania since this is the girl Jay wouldn't shut up about when Cole went to visit his father after Vangelis' defeat. What he was told made him curious about Queen and he wanted to get the chance to meet her, which he got now, albeit not the best time.
Lou saw Vania, and she was simply observing the trainees honing their skills.

"Excuse me." Lou spoke, and this made Vania jump.

"OH! I am so sorry!!!" Vania yelled and later gasped. "Hey!! You're Cole's father, Lou Brookstone. The Founder and Leader of the Royal Blacksmith!"

Lou was impressed. "Wow, you sure know a lot. Well I guess that should be a little expected. Cole told me about you after he came back from Shintaro."

"He did? What did he say exactly?" She asked very curiously.

"A lot of things. About how you're the Queen of Shintaro and a courageous person willing to risk her life for the safety of others. I was also told you're a massive fangirl." He added. "Jay said that. Not Cole. I apologise if you didn't wanna hear that."

Vania laughed a little. "It's fine. I've been called worse."

Asking enough, Lou decided to jump the conclusion. "I know you're busy training these people, but before I let you go, I just wanna ask what is Cole to you?" This completely caught the Shintarian off guard.

"What do you mean by that?" Vania stuttered.

"Well... Jay kept shouting and annoying Cole about how you are his girlfriend. Is that true?" Lou asked.

Vania had little pink dust blush on her cheeks, and because her pale skin, Lou saw the blush immediately after he asked the question.

"Well..." Vania pressed her fingers. "Lloyd did tell me Cole doesn't like me that. He just merely sees me as a friend, nothing more."

Lou frowned in disappointment. "I see. Cole did tell me that exact same thing when Jay wouldn't shut up about you."

Lou felt upset. For the first time, he thought his one and only child actually found someone, but Cole made very clear he had no intention in being a relationship. Lou couldn't understand why, especially with someone as beautiful and supportive like Vania.
He then theorised that it had something to with his mother, Lily. And he wasn't wrong...

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