Chapter 39: Demon Unleashed

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-Third Person-

"No..." Lloyd was struck with horror.

Garmadon spoke. "Lloyd, go find your Mother and the Formlings. Take them somewhere safe." He requested.

"Huh? What are trying to say?" Lloyd became concerned for his father.

"It's pretty obvious." Garmadon glowed his hands with Destruction. "I'm gonna fight while you take the others to safety."

Lloyd's eyes widened. "WHAT!?! You can't fight all by yourself!!!! You'll be completely overwhelmed by their sheer numbers!!!"

"You have not mastered your Oni powers. You'll just get in the way." Garmadon said.

Lloyd growled. "Oni power or not! I'm still fighting!!!! I'm not gonna make the same mistake I made with Wu by not helping him!!!"

Garmadon couldn't help but sense something dark about that last sentence. Something was telling him that exact same mistake will befall on someone... just not on Garmadon.

Garmadon sighed. "You wanna fight that badly? Then at least be a NINJA and protect the innocents!" He spoke bluntly.

"FINE!!!" Lloyd yelled with tears, albeit very small, coming out of his eyes.

With that, Lloyd left and went to meet his mother and the Formlings.
Garmadon already knew the Formlings weren't the only ones who needed protection. Sorla's village and Grimfax's castle. Hastening, Garmadon transformed into his Oni Form and flew off.


Oni Temple...

The Overlord used the energy gathered from Zane and Echo to open a portal to the Never Realm.
Harumi was on her dragonide, staring at the cracking sky. Thinking about nothing but her confrontation with Lloyd and Garmadon.
Harumi believed this was gonna be the 'End' between her and the two most impactful people in her life. Just thinking about it only made her madder and somewhat fearful.

"Are you ready, Quiet One?" The Overlord glared.

Harumi did utter a single word, she didn't even look at her King.

Overlord chucked. "Very well."

By using the energy of Zane and Echo, and the negative feelings of Harumi that was oozing out like blood, the Overlord used the Giant Crystal to completely open the portal to the Never Realm.


Never Realm...

"MY LORD!!!!" A Castle guard yelled. "LOOK!!!"

Grimfax ran out of the Castle and looked at the sky, only to see it completely torn apart, and many purple meteors started falling.

Grimfax gritted his teeth. "PREPARE FOR BATTLE!!!"

"My lord!?" The guard asked.

"I'm not losing this castle again!!!" Grimfax said. "WE FIGHT BACK!!!!"

"YES, MY LORD!!!" All the guards yelled.

All the men ran to the armoury and grabbed everything they needed. Swords, spears, crossbows and even ballistas.
Grimfax with his great axe mounted on his horse, and with a company of calvary samurai horses...

"FORWARD!!!!" Grimfax and the mounted samurais rode to war.

Sorla's village...

Like everyone else, Sorla's people saw the catastrophe. And unfortunately, the meteors, despite them falling everywhere, smashed into the village the most.
The villagers saw crystals and a few seconds later, the crystal warriors emerged and started attacking the villagers, corrupting a few of them in the process.

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