Chapter 18: Brave But Foolish

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-Third Person POV-


Harumi was rowing across the Endless Sea of Ninjago. Learning about the place where Dr Julien was imprisoned, Harumi chose to travel to the Lighthouse instead of his old home because very few had knowledge of it's whereabouts and finding it would take too long. Harumi went to the Light house not to recruit since she was already aware about his passing, but to find another invention of his or even find an early blueprint of Zane for her own benefits.

Harumi finally saw land and on it was a large tower. After arriving on shore, Harumi took out her notes and map to check for clarity.

"This is it." Harumi looked at the tower.

Harumi got off her boat and went up to the Lighthouse. Entering the tower, Harumi was a little surprised to see the abandoned Lighthouse was not dusty at all, very soon she heard a weird buzzing noising coming from upstairs. The thing that came down was non other than Tai-D, Zane's favourite robot toy.

"Hello?" Harumi stared at Tai-D.

Detecting she didn't pose any threat, Tai-D went to a sealed door, Harumi followed and saw a switch.

"What's this?" Harumi then pulled the switch.

The sealed door opened and it revealed a hall going downwards. Harumi went inside and it was nothing but a whole room of mechanical parts and blueprints.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" Harumi called out.

Several seconds later, someone finally chose to reveal himself.

"I am Zane. Built to protect those who can not protect themselves."

The droid soon revealed himself and Harumi was shocked at her discovery. It was Zane, but entirely different in terms of colour and mechanism.

"I am Zane. Built to protect those who can not protect themselves." He repeated himself.

"Echo? It seems the White Ninja's father chose to make a replacement for his grief and loneliness." Harumi said.

"I am Zane. Built to protect those who can not protect themselves." He said again.

"Interesting, you might actually be the thing I want the most, Echo Zane." Harumi smirked.

~Flashback ended~

Zane stared at Echo Zane with immense horror and confusion. Learning that Mr E as he was originally known was actually someone who looked like him.

Zane tried to pull himself together. "So, Harumi decided to make a clone of me just to mess with me."

"Clone?" Echo Zane said. "No. I am no creation of Harumi, I am the creation of that MAN. Our father, Dr Julien."

Zane's eyes widened after the response. "No... YOU'RE LYING!!! My father would never make something like you!!!"

"It's the truth, brother." Echo looked at the Forbidden Scroll. "Your father is no different from what you once were, Ice Emperor."

Hearing that name made Zane have a sudden flashback of all the innocents he has destroyed in the Never Realm.

"No..." Zane's voice was trembling.

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