Chapter 15: Attack on Shintaro

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~Third Person POV~

At the snowy mountains of Shintaro. Hailmar and two Shintaro guards were scouting around for dire bats, ensuring they don't disturb any residents or travellers.

"Looks like we're clear for now." Hailmar spoke. He then turn around to tell his men to head back to the city.

It wasn't until...

"CAPTAIN!!!" The first guard pointed.

Hailmar quickly turned around and saw two dire bats flying at their direction. Hailmar and the two guards prepared themselves, but to their surprise... The bats completely passed by them as if the Shintaro warriors weren't there to begin with.

"Captain?" The second guard was confused. "They just... ignored us?"

Hailmar was just as confused. "Strange. Something must of frightened them."

"Um, C-Captain..." The first guard stuttered. "I think I might have an idea on their 'fears'. Look!!!"

Hailmar looked and the moment he did. Fear began consuming him at the sight of the things that frightened the dire bats.

It was the Crystal Army led by a certain fallen king.

"Vangelis..." Hailmar muttered. 


In the throne room, the Munce and Geckles, that were invited, were their story of the Son of Lilly to the Queen of Shintaro, Vania. Beside Vania was her dragon, Chompy and next to the throne were the Upplys admiring the show.
At least some of them...

"Uhhh, Fungus.." Plundar whispered. "What is this?"

"I believe they're telling the story of Cole by... Singing." Fungus replied.

"Yeah. I know that... but... why?" Plundar asked.

Korgran spoke. "Why not? Korgran likes singing."

"I know you like singing, but..." Plundar was say more but Adam shut him up by hissing quite viciously.

"He was strong, he was tough, he was very, very brave. The great Son of Lilly, Cole. The savior of the cave. He fought the Man of Greed and stoooooop him and the Geckles and Munce were set freeee!" Three Geckles sung.

Everyone in the room clapped for the Geckles.

"That was beautiful." Vania smiled.

Gulch bowed. "Thank you. Thank you. We Geckles do enjoy a little singing."

"Geckles story telling is interesting. But wait until you see us Munce tell our tale. BOYS!!!" Murtessa yelled.

"Oh, boy..." Gleck muttered.

Murt and three other Munce showed themselves and were about to tell their Tale of The Son of Lilly. But before that could happen...

"YOUR MAJESTY!!!!" Hailmar bursted through the door with his two guards.

Everyone in the room stopped and they all looked at Hailmar and wondered what was going on. Hailmar and the two guards got the floor and kneeled before the Queen.

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