Chapter 11: Darkness Within

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-Third Person POV-

Oni Temple...

Lloyd was deep in his thoughts. Feeling immense guilt after everything he has caused. Thinking about all the people that could have lived if he wasn't so ignorant back then.

"Enjoying the view?" Harumi uttered.

Lloyd snapped out of his thoughts. "What?"

Lloyd's eyes widened at the sight of Harumi who was followed by Mister F and the rest of the Council member. Seeing them was already terrifying enough, but what made it even worse was the fact that they were in possession of the Golden Weapons.

"The Weapons of Spinjitzu. How did you get those!?" Lloyd demanded to know.

Harumi responds. "Settle down, Lloyd. We have a long day ahead of us and we wouldn't want you wasting your strength. And to answer your question. We got them from the Monastery."

"Sensei Wu would never hand them over without a-" Lloyd was interrupted.

"A fight? Oh yes. And what a fight it was. But in the end, your friends failed. They're gone." Harumi smiled.

Lloyd was not buying it. "No. You're bluffing! YOU'RE LYING!!!"

"I don't bluff, Lloyd." Harumi replied. "How does it feel, to have no one left. I know that feeling well. The feeling of loneliness and despair. Now it's your turn to go through the pain I went through after the Great Devourer took everything from me."

Lloyd's feeling of grief and guilt soon turned into anger. "Everything you have done. Everything you have planned. Everyone you have hurt!!! You're no better from the Great Devourer!! I will make you pay, Harumi!"

Harumi chuckled. "There is that darkness again. Just like your father."

Hearing what Harumi said immediately made Lloyd realise that was her plan. To have the feeling of anger and have the thirst to destroy like the Emperor of Destruction, Garmadon.
Lloyd losing his friends and having the feeling of loneliness was enough victory for Harumi. But to feel the urge to take life without the slightest bit of hesitation or remorse like an Oni would be the ultimate victory for Harumi and there would be no coming back from it.

Lloyd took several deep breath. "You're wrong. I am nothing like my father."

Harumi was a little disappointed. "Hmph. We will see about it." She turned around and looked at the Council member. "Prepare the ritual. It is time for the coming of the Crystal King."


Spinjitzu Monastery...

The Spinjitzu Monastery was completely destroyed thanks to spider's self destruction. The people who tried to defend the Monastery were gone. Or would have been if it wasn't for...

"Sensei Wu? W-What just happened?" Pixal was shocked.

Wu used the power of Creation to create a golden force field to protect everyone from the explosion.

Misako opened her eyes and looked around. "Wu. Did you?"

"I used my power." Wu explained.

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