Chapter 24: A Warm Reunion

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-Third Person POV-

In the First Realm, Faith took Pixal and the unconscious Zane to the rebuilt Dead's End which was later renamed 'The Dragon Citadel'. Seeing the Dieselnaut, the Keepers, who originally called the Dragon Hunters, opened the gate for the vehicle to enter.

"Come on, I have a lot of things I need to say." Faith said.

"But what about Zane?" Pixal asked.

"Arkade will take care of him." Faith answered.

Both Faith and Pixal headed to the throne room. While making their way, Pixal noticed how the former prison of dragons was drastically different from the description the Ninja told her. All buildings and weapons were a lot more polished, and there were even some dragons visiting their former enemy.

"Alright." The entered the throne room. "Explain what exactly happened?" Faith asked.

"Well... we were battling the Overlord and his crystal army." Pixal explained. "But unfortunately, Zane and I were hit by a gigantic beam which sent us to a place that isn't Ninjago. Which also reminds me, how do know where to find me and Zane?"

"We saw the sky torn open, and we went out to get a closer look. But before we could get any closer, we stumbled upon you and Zane" Faith said.

"I see." Pixal replied. "Well, I would say it was wise to stop after you found us. After what the Overlord did, I can't imagine what he'll do next."

"Who is this 'Overlord'?" Faith asked.

Pixal was quite surprised at Faith's lack of knowledge. "The Overlord is something similar to the Oni. Darkness trying to spread chaos, but unlike the demons, the Overlord wants domination instead destruction."

"Darkness? So that explains Firstbourne's recent behaviour." Faith said.

"The Mother of Dragons?" Pixal tilted her head. "What kind of behaviour?"

"It was just before the sky was teared apart." Faith answered. "She was making some noises, and it wasn't anything I would normally hear. We don't know why, but it sounds like she was in sorrow, as if she had just lost one of her offsprings. Maybe you might know?"

Unfortunately, Pixal and Zane were one of the few teams who didn't learn about Wu's death, so her telling Faith about the Master of Creation was basically impossible. And besides, even if Pixal knew, she couldn't think of a decent way to break the news to Wu's closest allies who aren't from Ninjago.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know anything. But I would assume it has something to do with the Overlord." Pixal said. "And if his power was the reason Zane and I are here, then there is a high chance he will send his crystal warriors to conquer this Realm."

"Conquer?" Faith asked quite menacingly. "We have been through enough, I will not allow my people or dragons to suffer enslavement once more. If what you're saying is true, then we must prepare for battle."

Pixal became anxious. "What!? NO! You can't fight those things. Not only are the warriors nearly indestructible, they're completely immune to Elemental powers. The dragons will be powerless to stop them, and your people's weapon won't do anything other than slow them down."

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