Chapter 8: A Sinister Shadow

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-Third Person POV-


After Harumi died on the collapsing building, she quickly woke up, only to see she was no longer in Ninjago City. The environment she was in was a dark, dreary place full of dead-looking trees. Knowing what happened, Harumi finally realised she was in...

"The Departed Realm..." Harumi uttered.

Not knowing what to do, Harumi just walked around in hopes she would find something. After a long walk, Harumi finally found some people or two to be precise. She took a few more steps to see who they were and to her surprise and relief...

"Mum! Dad!" It was Harumi's biological parents.

Not wasting time, Harumi quickly ran towards them and gave them a hug. Harumi was finally reunited with her family... At least that's what she thought.

"Huh?" Harumi was extremely confused at their actions.

The two of them stepped a few meters away from their own daughter. Harumi couldn't understand why they suddenly acted this way. Don't they care about their own daughter? They didn't even hug her back.

"Mum? Dad? What's wrong? It's me, Harumi. Your daughter." Harumi said.

"The 'Harumi' we know is not someone who seeks the misery of others." Harumi's Mum responded.

Harumi's Dad soon spoke out. "We saved you because we wanted you to keep living. But instead you chose to revive a demon."

Harumi couldn't believe what she was hearing. "N-No!!! Mum! Dad! You don't understand! Everything I did was for you and the people of Ninjago! The Ninja were failures, they couldn't save you or stop giant serpent! I was trying to save Ninjago from those monsters that are the Ninja!!! She tried to explain her motives.

Harumi's parents had tears in their eyes. "The only 'Monster' we saw... was you." Harumi's Mum said.

Harumi's entire body broke, she fell on her knees and started crying. Her parents silently bid their farewells to their daughter and walked away, leaving Harumi all alone in despair.

All the work Harumi had put since the day she lost everything. All that hard work just to die and be abandoned by her own family.

"Alone." Harumi sniffed. "I am all alone." She soon clenched her left fist and covered her face with her right hand.

"And yet..." She her head turned up. "I could feel his presence... so close. So close." Harumi opened her eyes and looked through her fingers. She began to pit the blame on someone else.

"I could see him... in my mind's eye." Whether she was seeing things or not, in front of her was the back of a certain blonde hair boy in a green gi.

"Lloyd..." Harumi took a knife out of her pocket. "LLOYD MONTGOMERY GARMADON!!!" She charged at 'Lloyd' with extreme anger and hatred.

The moment her knife made contact with 'Lloyd', the Green Ninja vanished with purple effects. Harumi was shocked at what she was seeing, the purple particles soon formed into something that looked like a virus.

"Harumi." A deep voice called her name. "Your Anger and Hatred has reached my spirit."

Harumi was almost speeches. "Who are you?"

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