Chapter 22: A Painful Strife

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-Third Person POV-

Scott managed to lead Cole and everyone else into one of the subway tunnels. Travelling around the tunnels, the escapees were taken to one of the last remaining uncorrupted area in the City, the Lair of the Serpentine. Looking around, Cole all saw several, no... all of the civilians who managed to escape to the tunnels.
They were all being taken care by the Serpentines. He saw Jay's parents, Ed and Edna. But very soon, he saw someone that completely shocked him and made him extremely relieved.

"Dad!?!" Cole exclaimed.

Lou turned around. "Son?!"

The two ran toward each other and hugged. Cole began to tear up a little, knowing his father was still alive even after fall of Ninjago City.

"I missed you, Dad." Cole sniffed.

"I missed you, too." Lou smiled.

Seeing the Earth Ninja, Ed and Edna both approached him. "Cole? Where are your friends? Where is Jay?" Edna asked.

Hearing her questions, Cole frowned, knowing how the two will react if he told them. But he knows he has no choice but to answer.

Cole took a deep breath. "Jay... he's... gone. So is everyone else."

His response made Jay's parents silent. Lou stared with great pity, knowing what it's like to lose someone of great importance. Edna soon hugged her husband and sobbed a little.

"I know it's hard." Ed muttered. "But we must stay strong, it's what Jay would've wanted."

"I'm sorry, Dad." Cole apologised.

"For what?" Lou asked a bit confused.

"For many things." Cole replied. "Not visiting you. Not being able to protect from the force of Evil. And not being to save my friends. First Nya, and everyone else is... gone."

Lou placed one hand on his son's shoulder. "I know it's hard to fight when you have lost those you care deeply. But that doesn't mean all hope is lost, there are still some people willing to stand up against the tyrants."

"Dad..." Cole uttered.

"Come." Lou said. "The person in charge wants to speak with you."

Lou took Cole to the leader. Seeing the leader, Cole was surprised, it was Milton Dyer. And next to him was his adopted son, Unagami, and Scott.

"Mr Dyer!?" Cole exclaimed.

"Cole, I'm so glad to see you." Dyer greeted.

"What are you doing here?" Cole then remembered something. "And more importantly, how is Scott able to destroy the crystal warriors?

"Have you forgotten?" Unagami spoke. "We used the crystal you gave us to make anti-weapons against the crystal warriors."

Cole's eyes widened. "That's right! I forgot about that."

"And to answer your first question." Scott replied. "We're planning on evacuating everyone here to Stiix."

Cole was a little surprised. "Stiix? Why there of all places? And it's too faraway from here, there's no way we're gonna make it there. Especially with all the crystal warriors. Speaking of which, how can you be certain that hasn't been contaminated by the Darkness."

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