Chapter 20: Divided

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-Third Person POV-

Ray fended off many warriors and helped some civilians and sent them to the subways for safety. Moments later, Ray saw a massive explosion. Knowing that is the direction Maya and the others went, Ray quickly ran to the eruption.

Ray arrived at the scene and saw his wife and allies all stunned from the shockwave.

"Maya!!!" Ray ran to his wife and checked on her.

Maya coughed. "Ray?"

"Maya. It's okay, you're alright." Ray said. "I'll take you and the others to safety."

"No." Maya shook her head. "Take Skylor. She is greatly damaged. I will take care of Pythor with Jay and Benthomaar."

Ray didn't like the idea of Maya fighting, but he had no choice. "I understand."

Ray helped his wife to get up. Seeing the duo, Benthomaar quickly went to them with the broken Skylor.

"Ray! Maya!" Benthomaar exclaimed.

"Benthomaar!" Maya sighed. "Ray, take Skylor. Pythor has done something to her."

"Got it." Ray nodded. "Let's go, Skylor!"

"Okay..." Skylor muttered.

With Kai...

Kai ran across the City, avoiding every shots the Corrupted Flame Serpent fired upon. Some cases, Kai did turn around and return back with his flames, but they didn't do much. Aspheera, who was on it, began laughing at the fleeing Ninja.

"How sad!" Aspheera laughed. "Even with your powers you can't protect anything! First the Water Ninja! And now, Wu-ser!"

The three words completely stopped Kai. Aspheera also stopped, commanding her Serpent to stop firing.

"What!? What are you talking about!?! Answer me!?!!" Kai demanded to know.

"The Corrupted showed us Generals through it's Dark power." Aspheera explained. "The Master of Creation is no more! The Overlord has successfully killed that old deceiver!!!" She smiled.

Kai clenched his fists. Wu, the Master who protected him from the Skulkins. The Master who trained him to save Nya. The Master who welcomed the Red Ninja as one of his own. Hearing that the person who basically took care of him and Nya like a parent was now gone made Kai extremely pissed, even more than the Oni blood, Lloyd.

"You... YOU WILL PAY WITH YOUR LIFE!!!!!!" Kai screamed and then fired a gigantic flame which completely caught the Sorceress off guard.

Being engulfed in such intense flames of fury, Aspheera yelled in great pain. So much that the Corrupted Flame Serpent slowly faded away after it's maker's was unable to keep focus and it soon disappeared after Aspheera dropped the Sword. Although Kai managed to do significant damage, it did use a lot energy from the Ninja, falling on his knees and began groaning.
Falling onto the ground, Aspheera coughed very badly.

With Lloyd...

Lloyd and Misako couldn't believe it. To see Garmadon return to the City after the events of the Omega, and not only did he come back, he also chose to attack the Overlord instead of Lloyd.
Seeing his action made Misako, in a way, have some hopes for his husband to return back to the Light.
But Lloyd... even after the Omega's defeat, he was still hesitant about Garmadon's turn. Knowing what Harumi has done to his father, Lloyd still believed Garmadon was incapable of changing, even going as far as to believe that he was only doing this for his own selfish reasons.
As for Harumi... she was just shocked to see the man who adopted her and treated her as his own daughter, still active after all these years.

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