Chapter 13: Escaping Primeval's Eye

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-Third Person POV-

Samurai X Cave...

Inside the cave, the three Ninja, Kai, Cole and Jay were all finishing the last maintenance on Pixal's biggest creation. The Ultra Combo Mech.
Although Pixal had an entire year to herself to build the mech herself with MiniPix, she was far too busy working on the Ninjas' vehicles as well as one forgotten vehicle.

"Okay! That will do!" Jay just finished diagnosing the mech.

"Give it a try, Jay!" Cole yelled.

Jay tried starting the mech, but the moment he did...

"WAH! Turn it off!!!" Kai panicked because one of the drill fell down and almost hit him.

Jay quickly turned the mech off. Pixal and Zane witnessed at what just happened to the Ultra Combo Mech.

Jay nervously laughed. "Uh... Sorry, Pixal!" He apologised.

"It's fine." Pixal sighed out of irritation. "Let MiniPix do your work. Please hop off the mech and check on Sensei Wu."

Zane and the other Ninja immediately noticed how irritated she sounded. It's almost like she can't handle them anymore. Or someone...

"Pixal, she seems... down." Cole uttered.

Jay quickly hopped off the mech. "Well... a lot of unfortunate events did occur." He replied.

"I don't think that's the reason, Jay." Zane sensed her feelings of anger was only towards one person. "I think I should talk to her."

"Are you sure, Zane?" Kai asked, but Zane didn't respond.

Pixal was behind the Computer, adjusting a few functions to make the radar even stronger. Zane slowly approached her, but she didn't even look at him.

"Pixal, I sense a lot of distress from you." Zane asked, but Pixal didn't reply. "If you're upset about me turning off my emotions, then I want you to know that I'm sorry. I didn't think removing my grief would cause more harm to people, especially towards my teammates. Towards you."

Pixal didn't say anything. There was silence between the two. None of them uttered a single word. Not getting anything, Zane sighed and was about to leave, but before that could happen...

Pixal finally gave a response, but she still didn't look at him. "Zane, remember when I was deactivated during the Nindroid Era?"

Zane stopped and looked. "Of course I remember. It's something I don't want to relive again."

"When I told you I was no longer vital to you, you could've accepted it and simply turn off your emotions to forget everything about me." Pixal said, and before Zane could give a response. "But instead, you chose to sacrifice half your heart to save my life. When that happened, I couldn't understand why someone would do such a thing for a machine like myself. It wasn't until you told me how you felt... and it was that moment I began feel something I thought was impossible..."

Zane was almost speechless. "Pixal..."

"I felt a form of love." Pixal finally looked at him. "Zane, I want us to be compatible again... but I need see how much of your old self has returned after turning your emotions back on. Will you be the same Nindroid I fell in love with all those years ago?"

Even though this wasn't the response Zane was hoping for, it at least was something that can reconnect the bond they once had.

"Pixal, I will be the same Nindroid once we rescue Lloyd." Zane had a feint smile. "I promise."

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