Chapter 35: Battle Between the Ice Brothers

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-Third Person POV-

A crystal warrior managed to knock Scales down, and it prepared to finish the Serpentine general off. But a powerful shockwave appeared, and all the crystals of the vengestone warriors and dragonides were completely vaporised. All that remained were the vengestones sculptures that were once held together by the corrupted crystals.

"W-What just happened?" Scale uttered.

"I think..." Scales' second-in-command spoke. "I think we won..."

Scales got back stared at the battlefield, only to see that he and his allies were still standing. Very soon, the Allies started cheering.

With Ronin...

"SEARCH FOR SURVIVORS!!!" Ronin ordered.

After the battle, Ronin went to where they were most vulnerable, Cole's battleground with Vangelis. The pilots that did survive helped the foot-soldiers look for survivors, and while many did unfortunately die, there were some that were still alive due them being corrupted and later purified from the Darkness.
That thankfully included the remaining members of the Upplys. Karlof and the others who fought alongside him were also taken to immediate medical care.

"UNAGAMI!!!" Dyer yelled in horror.

Receiving the news that the Allies won the fight, both Dyer and Lou requested to come along because they desperately wanted to see their sons as soon as possible, Minipix also came as an assistant.
But sadly, things were not so fortunate. Unagami had suffered a serious injury from Vangelis, his arm cut completely opened.

"Unagami!!!" Dyer cried. "Wake up! PLEASE!!!"

Dyer shook Unagami a few more times, but there was no response. The worst thing had happened for Dyer, Unagami had passed away, and it really wasn't that surprising.
The damage Vangelis inflicted upon, not to mention the arm. Unagami had lost way too much blood, the former Master of Prime Empire knew that awhile back and decided to accept death. Even if it meant leaving the one who was essentially his father.

Scott came and placed his hand on Dyer's shoulder. "Mr Dyer... I am so sorry..."

Dyer didn't say anything, he simply just mourned and later hugged his son. 'Forgive me, Son.' He thought.

Ronin and Lou were searching around for Cole and Vania since they were one of the last whom have yet to be found.



Lou, Ronin and Minipix all heard roar that sounded like a baby dragon and they knew quite well who it was.

Chompy appeared before them, looking horrified. "Young dragon! Have you seen my son or the Queen?"

Chompy nodded, and immediately ran to where the two were. Wasting no time, the three followed the Ridgeback.

Lou gasped. "COLE!!!" He rushed to his son to see his condition.

Although the barrier Cole made was enough to keep him and Vania alive, they were knocked unconscious. And things still didn't go too well, especially for Cole because some of the rocks that were shattered went in his back and are now causing some serious bleeding.
Ronin quickly checked the Queen and was surprised to see how little injuries she got compare to Cole, especially after the explosion. And that mainly has to do with Cole protecting Vania, embracing her, ensuring nothing serious happened to her.

"Is he gonna make it?" Lou's voice was trembling.

Ronin nodded. "He's survived things just as bad. But we gotta take him and the Queen back to the Capital as quick as possible."

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