Chapter 44: The Truth

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-Third Person POV-

"Fascinating..." The Overlord was thrilled at what he just witnessed. "You've finally accepted your heritage..."

"Son of The Devil."

Lloyd kept his composure. "My Father isn't the Devil... you are. And I will DESTROY you for good this time."

The Overlord summoned several shards around him. "Okay... then show me... show me YOUR MIGHT!!!" He laughed.

Ending their conversation, the Dark Lord and the Green Ninja clashed and moved at extreme speed, faster than what Cole and Vangelis showcased when they duelled.

With Jay...

Jay did everything he could to dodge and counterattack, but it only made things worse due to Pythor's ability to grow in power thanks to his weapon.
Using one of the Nunchucks' natural abilities... Pythor did a corrupted version of Spinjitzu, catching Jay off guard and thus allowing Pythor to finally land a solid blow on the Blue Ninja. Jay's whole body got electrocuted with corruption and his golden plate armour was shattered, leaving only his normal gi.
Jay managed to get up and remain determined despite the odds and the Dark Power that is empowering the White Anacondrai.

Before the two could make any move...

"NINJA!!! GO!!!!"

Three Ninja jumped off Firstbourne and did Spinjitzu at Pythor, hoping to land a clean hit on him. But obviously, Pythor dodges all of them.

Jay couldn't believe what he was seeing. "YOU GUYS!!!!! YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!" He smiled.

"Of course we are!" Kai replied. "You really think we're gonna lose to these rehashed villains?" He asked.

Pythor was extremely ticked to see all Four of the Ninja alive and well.

"First the annoying Ninja... then Garmadon... and now... I have to FACE ALL OF YOU AT ONCE!!!!" Pythor cried in anger.

"Uh, yeah." Kai replied casually.

"Well then..." Pythor gripped his Nunchucks. "I WILL ENJOY THE PLEASURE OF DESTROYING YOU ALL!!!!"

Pythor swung the Nunchucks like a whip and tried to lash his opponents.

Oni Temple...

The Crystal King fired many crystal shards at the Green Ninja, but Lloyd counters by vaporising all of them with a single beam of Destruction.
The Overlord then slammed his foot onto the ground and made several crystal pillars, rushing towards Lloyd. Lloyd emits an aura of Destruction around his right hand and delivers a powerful punch to the approaching pillars.
Once they were destroyed, Lloyd saw the Overlord right in front of him. Lloyd tried to act, but the Overlord delivered an equally devastating punch to the young Oni, sending him flying and would have knocked him off the Temple if Lloyd didn't use a technique similar to the Overlord...

Lloyd used his Destruction power from his hands to propel himself and fly around for a few seconds before doing a somersault kick onto the Overlord's head, greatly hurting the Dark Lord.

The Overlord noticed that last attack was much stronger than the powerful beam Lloyd fired a few moments ago. Noticing an increase, the Overlord now knew Lloyd, like his father, was capable of growing in strength through combat.
Although this would be bad news for most, to the Overlord, it only excited him even more, seeing the perfect tool for conquest.

"I didn't think you would actually fly the same way I did when I possessed your Father." The Overlord chuckled. "But that should be expected from the Devil Son."

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