Speical Chapter: Garmadon's Regret

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-Third Person POV-

Garmadon stared at the Sun

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Garmadon stared at the Sun. Questioning about the decision he made, did he really care about the safety of others or more specific... his son, Lloyd. Garmadon knows he didn't utter those words out loud, instead he spoke about how things would be better if he was the 'Conqueror' instead of the Omega. However, everytime he thinks of that, he always feel... unease
Garmadon simply sighed and took his helmet off.

"Ah! You're still here." An old master spoke.

Garmadon turned his head. "Little Brother." He spoke.

"Well, Brother. It looks like Ninjago owes a debt of gratitude once again." Wu said. "Ironic, the 'Evil Conqueror' stopping two major catastrophe monsters. The Great Devourer. And now, the Omega."

"I only did it because I can't rule a world where there is nothing but ash." Garmadon scoffed.

Wu sat next to his brother. "But you can rule when there are people suffering?"

Garmadon began stammering. "Yes, because at least there are people I can... I can... I can..."

"I can what?" Wu asked with a grin.

Garmadon was getting annoyed. "What do you care anyway!? Everything is better when I'm around! Okay!?"

Seeing how this conversation went, Wu simply giggled. He then stood up and slowly walked back to the Monastery.

Wu stopped himself to give a few last words. "Harumi claimed she only brought back the ONI side of you. But that clearly isn't true due to the fact you can merge with the Tornado of Creation and use the power of Creation. Just like the Corruption of the Devourer's venom, I know there is good in you, Emperor Garmadon. But know this, regardless of whatever path you choose with your gifts... you will always be my brother." He smiled.

After Wu left, Garmadon looked at his helmet. Wondering what things would be like if he chose neither. Not being a villain but also not being a hero.
Garmadon then believed that would be absolutely impossible, because he believes every single person in Ninjago would be aware of him and his actions, and therefore will always see him as a monster. But then, Garmadon had the solution of living with the wildlife in an isolated area where he thinks nothing or no one will ever reach him.

A belief he will regret for the rest of his life...


Garmadon was originally in the jungle of Primeval's Eye. But he later chose abandon it and move elsewhere due to several creatures and plants being extremely aggressive and for some reason, attracted to his scent. He also sensed something extremely foul, so foul, it began giving him a headache, not wanting this feel anymore, Garmadon decided to travel elsewhere. Far from this
As soon as Garmadon left, a relative large creature woke up from it's slumber and smelled something.

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