Chapter 21: Quittin Time

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-Third Person POV-

Most of the Ninja and allies were all gone, transported to different Realms by the Overlord. With the main defenders of Ninjago gone, the City and many lands of Ninjago were being consumed by the Darkness spread by the crystal army. And after the portal was opened, the Overlord sent a large portion of his army to many Realms to increase the power of his Giant Crystal.

Although many of the defenders of Ninjago City were transported. Somewhere in the City of Ninjago, one of the Allies of the Ninja finally regained consciousness by rebooting it's system. Finally awake, the Ally was non other than Pixal's assistant, MiniPix.
Knowing that the Ultra Combo Mech was done, Minipix cut a hole open and flew out, only to see nothing but Darkness.
Extremely worried, Minipix flew around to find Pixal or the Ninja. Minipix would occasionally hide itself from crystal warriors in sight. Although it took awhile, MiniPix finally found of the Ninja

It was Cole, the last remaining Ninja in Ninjago. He was the only one not transported due to the Scythe of Corrupted Quakes being absent. Wasting no time, MiniPix flew to the Dragon Cruiser and cut open the windshield, MiniPix then pulled the Earth Ninja out and placed him on the ground.
Moments later, the Earth Ninja finally regained consciousness.

Cole groaned. "Where am I? MiniPix?" His eyes soon widened. "Everyone!"

Cole looked at the surroundings, only to be completely stupefied at what the City has become.

"It can't be." Cole tried contacting his friends. "Lloyd? Sensei Wu? Can you hear me? Kai? Jay? Anyone!?"

"You six go that way!" One of the Generals spoke.

"That voice..." Cole gasped. "Pythor! Come on, MiniPix."

Cole and MiniPix quickly ran away, seeing an alleyway, they ran through the passage and hid behind a dumpster.
Pythor found the wreckage, and began hissing.

"Ah. The Earth Ninja is close." Pythor hissed. "I can taste him."

Pythor slithered to where the two were hiding with a small squadron of crystal warriors. Hearing the footsteps, Cole glowed his arms and waited for the right moment to attack the white Anacondrai.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are." Pythor sang sadistically.

Pythor then had the idea of luring the Earth Ninja out with a taunt.

"Perhaps you are unaware about what had happened to your team?" Pythor smirked. "The Overlord has successfully destroyed all of them, surely you were there when the old fool was killed."

"Sensei Wu..." Cole's muttered. MiniPix began beeping, trying to warn him not to fall for the taunt.

"The Golden Nunchucks showed me his fight. His fall. His deat-" Pythor continued, but soon was interrupted when Cole acted.

Cole kicked the garbage bin at the snake, which did knock the Serpentine completely off balance. Seeing the opening, Cole created a large rock pillar and lunged it at his enemies.
Pythor managed to make a barrier in time, but it wasn't strong enough to stop the pillars which brushed him off to the sides.

Pythor groaned. "Don't just stand there! FIRE!!!"

The crystal warriors began firing at the Earth Ninja. Cole quickly acted by slamming onto the ground and creating a large stone wall to hold the warriors. Cole knew the wall wouldn't hold the vengestone warriors for long, so he used this time to run as far as possible

As the two were running, Cole was having a lot of mixed feelings, especially denial. Refusing to believe what Pythor said about Wu. His Master. His best friend, excluding Jay.

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