Chapter 5: The Benefit of Grief

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-Third Person POV-

Inside the Music Hall of the Ninjago Talent show, there was an audition going on and many people were warming up before they were called out. One of these people was a young girl named Sally. She was extremely nervous tried her best to play her guitar properly, but her grief was getting to her.

"Sally?" A bystander called her name out.

Hearing her name be called, she quickly got on her feet and ran to the person who called for her. "Yes?" She asked.

"You're next." He replied.

"I see." Sally took a deep breath and soon went out to present herself to the judges.

Sally got on stage she presented herself to the judges.

"Nice to meet you, Sally. What is your talent?" Simon asked.

"Um, I'll be singing." Sally stuttered a little.

"Interesting. Sing away." Simon insisted.

With that Sally began playing her guitar. "In this life. Nothing's ever how you thought it would be." Sally had success at first. But grief eventually got to her

"H-hard-er f-or p-p-people... people..." Sally's voice started cracking and she began to cry.

Although it was an automatic fail, the judges decided not to buzz her knowing that would be too cruel. "Sally, I'm you sure have an insane amount of talent. But if you don't have the confidence to perform in front of three people. Then maybe you shouldn't enter any big stage. I'm sorry, but that's gonna be a no for me." Simon said and the other two judges agreed with him.

"I-I understand..." Sally wiped her tears and left the scene.


Borg Tower...

Inside Borg Tower, Lloyd and Jay went to check on Cole who just woke Zane up.

"Cole, how is he?" Jay asked.

Cole looked at the two. "I'm not too sure. Zane, buddy, can you hear or see me?" He waved his hand in front of Zane.

"I'm fine, I am made out of titanium. I've been through worse things than a pistol shot from the back." Zane replied blankly.

Cole sighed sighed out of relief. "Well, we shouldn't stand around! We gotta go after Mr E who has Aspheera's staff!" Cole yelled.


The Ninja turned their heads to the yeller, and to their surprise. It was the Commissioner who was accompanied by Neo Ninja.

The Teal Ninja spoke out. "Thanks to you guys, the Nindroids managed to get away." This irritated the Cole and Jay the most.

Lloyd stood up. "Commissioner, I can explain." But before he could say anything.

"Look! I know you guys were just trying to help! But..." The Commissioner sighed. "Your time as the City's protector are over. You guys will only get in our way."

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