Chapter 4: Crystal Agent

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-Third Person POV-

"How can I say no to an offer like that. Revenge. Revenge! REVENGE!" Aspheera accepted.

"Good. Follow my spiders and Nindroids." The Messenger said. "They will take you to my lair." The hologram then disappeared afterwards.

Aspheera hissed. "Well, shall we get going?" One of the Nindroids opened the cell with a laser-cutter.

"Finally! Free!" Aspheera slivered out.

Control room...

The guard in charge with the panels finally woke up from his nap, only to see all the cameras off. "Huh? That's odd. Let's  just switch them on and.." As soon the guard turned all the cameras back on, he saw three people breaking Aspheera out.

"Oh no!" The guard exclaimed. "Someone is breaking Aspheera out!" He then pressed the alarm button.

*Siren ringing*

As soon the sirens started ringing, the entire prison started to close down, the rooms became red and all prison guard began stationing.

Aspheera hearing the alarm go off started to rant. "You fools! You didn't do anything to stop this and now we're all gonna be back in prison!"

The Nindroids and spider didn't respond, instead they ran out the door they came from. The spider stopped and around, it began shaking and jumping.

"I have no idea what you're saying, but I would assume you already have a way for escape." Aspheera muttered and followed the spider.

As soon Aspheera and the crystal figures got out of Cell One, they all were being charged by the prison guards. Seeing that there was no way out with silence, the Nindroids and spiders decided to use violence. The three Nindroids took out their weapons, each one different. A katana, two pairs of sai, and a staff.

"You wouldn't happen to have a weapon for me?" Aspheera asked. But they ignored her and they began fighting. "I guess that's a no." She decided to fight as well despite not having a weapon.

Despite completely outnumbering them, the guards lacked fighting skills and were completely outmatched by the Nindroids' AI and Aspheera's experience and Spinjitzu.

Main hall...

One guard approached the Warden to warn him about the escapees. "Warden! Aspheera and the intruders, they overwhelmingly everyone!" He panicked.

"Did you hear that, Ronin? Someone is breaking us out!" Ultra Violet said with excitement.

Ronin replied. "They're breaking Aspheera out. Not us." He then got off his bed looked out his cell to see what's going on.


A few moments later, one of the doors connected to the hall exploded. The moment the door was blown up, a guard came flying out of it, landing on the floor with life threatening injuries.

"TIM!" The Warden and a guard ran to him to check on him.

Tim began coughing. "Run... they're too powerful." He soon fell unconscious.

"My. My. What a turn of an event." Aspheera came out of the smoke with the three Nindroids and two crystal spiders. The third one used self-destruct to blow the door.

The Warden began shaking. "A-Aspheera..."

Ultra Violet began shouting. "HEY! LADY SNAKE! ROBO NINJAS! BREAK US ALL OUT!!" After she demanded them to break her out, every inmate began yelling for freedom as well.

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