Chapter 28: The Return of a King

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-Third Person POV-

Akita came back to the house with the water and saw something a bit odd. Lloyd was gazing at the painting, almost mesmerised.

"Lloyd?" Akita uttered.

Lloyd immediately shook his head. "Akita! HI!" He exclaimed.

"I got you some water." Akita said and then passed the water.

"Oh, okay. Thank you, Akita." Lloyd thanked. He then drank some it.

"I see you were admiring the painting." Akita pointed.

Lloyd smiled awkwardly. "Uh, yeah. What is it about?" He asked.

"It's the story of Okami and the Shining Demon." Akita replied.

Lloyd tilted his head. "Which one is 'Okami' and who is that?"

"The large wolf you see is Okami. The Ancestor of the Formlings." Akita answered.

Lloyd was a little surprised. He thought the wolf would be the Demon, not the humanoid.

"What happened? Between Okami and this 'Demon?'" Lloyd wondered.

Akita sighed a little. "Okami lived in peace. But then... something outside our World showed up, and this creature was unlike anything Okami has ever seen."


The Shining Demon, who was a child, arrived in a Realm that was dark, cold and had a severe blizzard that seemed to never end. The Demon lit himself to produce the first Light in this Realm, and right afterwards, he saw a gigantic creature that was not anything like a dragon.

It was Okami, the Ancestor of the Formlings.

This creature had dark grey fur, pointy ears and yellow eyes. Just one sniff was enough to tell Okami how powerful and dangerous this Demon was despite him being a mere child. Wasting no time, Okami roared and blew the Demon away, which shocked him because almost no Dragons or Oni posed a serious threat to him.

Realising the threat she posed, the Demon knew he needed higher ground and a weapon to fight her. Without hesitation, the Demon quickly ran away from the gigantic Wolf. The Demon saw a large mountain and ran straight to it. The Demon climbed as fast as he could while hearing the terrifying roar of Okami.
He finally made it to the summit which was above the thick clouds. The Demon saw a branch and quickly ripped it.

Approaching the edge, the Demon looked around and waited for the Wolf. For the first time, the Demon felt nervous as he had never imagined a world so cold and dangerous. Very soon, Okami appeared right before him. The Demon gasped as he looked at the rising Wolf.
The Wolf then opened her mouth and attacked, while the Demon responds by imbuing his stick with his Light. Once the two made into contact, they created a massive explosion of Light, blowing the heavy blizzard away.

~Flashback ended~

"After that, Okami disintegrated which then gave birth to the many life. And one of those were a special race of humans, who would soon learn to take the form of their spirit animal." Akita explained.

Lloyd was astonished. "Wow... But what happened to the Demon?" He asked.

"No one really knows. But, his energy created a special tree called 'Ryoko.' Or to specific with you since you know it... the Traveler's Tree." Akita answered.

Lloyd's eyes opened as wide as possible. A child coming out of nowhere. Referred as a demon. Shining very brightly. Disappearing after the Traveler's Tree was born. Lloyd knew far too well who the Shining Demon was...

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