Chapter 2: The Neo Ninja

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-Third person POV-

"How could anyone be moving that much vengestone across the city?" Cole wondered.

"Not by air. It will be detected by local air traffic control. Underground perhaps?" Zane added.

"I told you, the Serpentines say nothing's travelling through the unused subway tunnels. They'd know." Lloyd uttered.

"But it's moving somehow, we're missing something. Let's start over with what we know." Cole said.

"Any ideas, Jay?" Benthomaar asked, but Jay didn't respond. Instead Jay was staring at a glass of water.

"Jay? We need you to focus up. JAY!" Cole yelled, startling Jay a bit.

"No need to yell. I'm right here." Jay sighed.

"Any idea on who the vengestone buyer is? How they're moving it? Anything?" Lloyd asked.

"No. And besides what's the point?" Jay said.

"Excuse me?" Lloyd uttered.

"Lloyd, you said Nya wouldn't want us to quit. That she'd kick our butts and tell us to get to work and your right. But you forgot something, we weren't truly a team until Nya joined. And whether we realised it or not, she was the glue that held us together." Jay told them.

"What are you saying?" Benthomaar asked.

"I'm saying I don't think we can do this without her." Jay said, this made Cole clench his fist.

"You're acting like you're only one who misses her. We all do, but at least the rest of us are trying to help instead of being mopey and useless." Cole was getting annoyed.

Hey! You came to me! I didn't ask to be here." Jay argued.

"We're all pretty keyed up right now. Maybe we need a break." Lloyd stopped the two before things got out of hand.

"And what is that gonna do. We know all there is to know. The vengestone would be spotted if it were being moved by air or through the known... Tunnel system?" Jay started to realise something as soon he looked at the pizza box.

"Jay? My sensors indicates you got an idea." Zane uttered.

"Yeah. I might have something. Zane, can you pull up a map of the subway tunnels below the city?" Jay requested, and Zane nodded.


After scoping on the computer, the Ninja went down into the subway tunnel Jay pointed at. As soon they entered the tunnel, they all turned on their flashlights and wondered through the tunnel.

"Why are we here? We already know the vengestone isn't being taken through the subway." Lloyd asked.

"Not the active subway lines, but the end line was shutdown years ago. It's abandoned." Jay answered.

"According to zoning plans filed with the city, the end line was never completed." Zane explained.

"What if the city stopped building the subway tunnel, but someone else finished it." Jay theorised.

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