Chapter 7: The Council of the Crystal King

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-Third Person POV-

After the speculations about the Mechanic being the next villain, Lloyd and the other Ninja who were at the Monastery met up with Zane at Dyer's residence since the Nindroid requested them to meet him first.

"Zane. Why did you want us to come here instead? Shouldn't we be at the Mechanic's lair?" Kai asked.

"Yes, but first I quickly wanna discuss on who should take the Mechanic's place after we've captured him." Zane said.

A few of them were a little confused since that should be very obvious. "Shouldn't it be you? I mean, don't you have a cloaking mechanism?" Jay asked curiously.

Zane nodded. "I do, but how will you be able to track me if I'm in his place?" He asked.

"I guess that makes sense... I guess I'll-" Cole was about to select himself to go undercover. But before that could happen.

Lloyd volunteered to go undercover. "I'll do it." This everyone abit surprised and worried, especially Kai.

"Oh no!" Kai disagreed. "That is not happening, especially after all you've been through recently!"

"Kai is right, Lloyd." Cole agreed. "I feel like your mind is still distracted by all the negativity from the people." He said.

"Guys! I'm not a little kid! Not anymore!" Lloyd was getting irritated. "I'm the strongest Ninja and if I encounter any problems, I will handle it better and you guys know that!"

While being strongest is one of the reason why Lloyd wanted to go undercover, that wasn't the MAIN reason. The biggest reason was because of the kabuki masked figure, something about that person was so familiar and nerve racking to Lloyd and he wanted to find out who this person really is.

The four Ninja were extremely unsure whether they should Lloyd take the Mechanic's place. But in the end...

"We're wasting time, let Lloyd do it. If he's confident enough to do it, then let him." Zane sighed.

Kai, Jay and Cole were hesitant, but they eventually chose to agree because Lloyd is indeed the strongest and he has shown enough willpower to come back to the team even after all the negativity of the citizens of Ninjago City.

"Fine." Kai sighed.

"Thank you, guys." Lloyd thanked them.


Mechanic's Lair...

The Ninja soon arrived at the abandoned arcade. Everyone except Cole entered the building since he has guard the only way out.

Lloyd looked around the arcade. "Looks like we're in luck..."

Kai was a little creeped out. "Room full of creepy arms. I'd say the Mechanic is still here." After he walked away, the arm he was looking at twitched a little.

"Either A, we're too late and the Mechanic has been recruited." Jay began to have some doubts. "Or B, maybe he hasn't levelled up at all. I mean... what high level villain keeps their same lair that we know already."

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