Chapter 6: Crystal Candidate

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-Third Person POV-

Chen's Noodle house...

Lloyd was half asleep on a table, waiting to receive his food. Kai just stared at Lloyd, feeling nothing but pity. Kai told himself that he would protect his sister and the Chosen One, no matter what.
But he failed, Nya is now gone and after Skylor told him how the city treated Lloyd, he scolded himself for being so weak.
But this time, he was gonna make things right.

Skylor was finally done with the food. "Here you go, Kai." She passed two bowls of noodles to him.

"Thanks, Skylor." Kai thanked her.

Kai went to Lloyd and gave him the food. "Lloyd, this is for you. Eat up."

Lloyd woke up. "Thanks..."

"Lloyd. Skylor told me what happened after you left the team." Kai decided to speak about something he knew Lloyd would be very uncomfortable with.

Lloyd just sighed. "They hate me, Kai." Lloyd tried to hold his tears. "Even after all the things we have done, they treat us like trash. Me especially. All they see in me is a brat who is the son of a demon!" He cried out quite loudly, this made everyone in the restaurant turn their heads at Lloyd.

The people in the restaurant couldn't help but feel sympathy for the Green Ninja. They weren't haters, but they weren't exactly supporters as well. They were people who wanted to be "neutral". Appreciate the things the Ninja has done, but also disprove of the negative things they have done. Like open Aspheera's tomb.

Kai couldn't express any words out of his mouth. He couldn't help but agree with Lloyd a bit, the people didn't treat the Ninja the respect they deserved. A prime example is the death of the Great Devourer.
Yes, Garmadon was the one who killed it, but the Ninja were the ones that immobilised it for the Dark Lord to land the killing blow on it's weak spot.

Kai finally spoke out. "Lloyd, it is a fact that you're the child of the Emperor of Destruction. But that doesn't mean you are bound to his fate." Lloyd looked at him. "Everyone gets to choose what they want to be. No matter who they are related to. I mean... look at me and Skylor. Our fathers has done somethings that we're not proud of, but that never affected our destiny." Kai uttered Skylor's words during the reign of the Time Twins.

"Kai." Skylor looked at him.

"I became the Ninja of Fire. Skylor became a friend of the team and helped us during our lowest point. And you..." Kai laughed a little. "You are something I tried so hard to be... and that is the Green Ninja. The one destined to defeat the Dark Lord. That is clearly something the so called 'demon child' shouldn't become. But he did." He smiled at Lloyd.

Lloyd was a little surprised at how Kai spoke. Even Skylor was impressed since Kai is always considered the "hot headed" Ninja.

"I didn't expect you of all people to have words of wisdom." Skylor teased him.

Kai looked at her with an annoyance look. "Really, Skylor?"

While Kai and Skylor were chatting, Lloyd was just thinking. Thinking if he should really go back. After all, he told Cole and Zane that he doesn't want to be responsible for anyone ever again.
However, he eventually began to see what things would've been like had he ran away from his responsibility as the Green Ninja. He never would've saved Ninjago and his father from the greatest evil of all. The Overlord.

Ninjago Crystalized: Shattered Where stories live. Discover now