I originally wanted to write about a female and a male character masturbating. I wanted to write about how they would touch themselves, how they would make themselves come, what they tought about while feeling pure ecstasy. Because I don't want masturbation being a subject no one talks about. I am all for sex toys and talking about it, as long it grants relief and pleasure.
And I envisioned these two. But then I caught myself envisioning them as white. And I stopped. Why would I think about them as white? Because this tone of skin looks good? Because it looks pretty? Why? Because society taught us to see white people as beautiful? Because every other skincolour is seen as unattracitve, strange or „not standard"? Yes.
I personally find black or brown skin prettier as white skin. I am more attracted to coloured people then to european coloured human beings. This attraction goes back to when I was a child. I always found „other looking people" more interesting then the „standard type you always see in the street" to look at. But that is not what european society wants to teach us.
Another issue I oberved in my own thoughts was the way their body was built. The male character was tall and muscled. The female character was slender and toned. Not one ounce of fat on them, nor were they „too skinny". And I don't like that either. There should be not such a thing as a „standard" of a human body. Not everybody is able or want to have to build up their muscles. I don't want to bodyshame anybody. Everyone should do what makes them feel good. But I don't think that we should measure and compare ourselves with „rolemodels", people with build up muscles, a slender body frame and so on. That's neither healthy for our self-concious nor for our relationship with our body. The problem is, that we are always just see the „imperfections".
We see when someone weighs „too much" or is „too skinny". When their butt is „too big" or „too small". When they are „muscled" or „just slender". We should try to not see these attibutes as negative but add them to the whole beauty of ones body. It is not simple, I see that for myself. It will take some reflective behaviour and diffrent thinking, but I will try to get there. To see another human being and only see the beauty and not project my own uncalled judgement on the other person.
I am still going to write about my characters. But I will imagine them differently.
KurzgeschichtenEin Band voller Kurzgeschichten zu den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen des Lebens der wohl unterschiedlichsten Menschen. Keine Schnulzen, nicht unbedingt happy Ends, meist offene Enden. Wer also nicht immer und immer wieder die gleichen Bücher mit de...