A Protective Sister (Pt. 3): Lunar Eclispe x Luna x Moon (SAMS Oneshot)

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(A/n: Part 3 I hope you guys enjoy)

~ Lunar's POV ~

I could tell Luna fell asleep based on her slow breathing. I wanted to fall asleep myself but a part of me just couldn't.

Like ever since Luna said she likes someone and they like her back I've been awake wondering who it was. Eventually my curiosity got the better of me and I gently nudged her with regret for waking her but I was to curious.

Lunar: "Luna?"

Glamrock Luna: "Hm?"

Lunar: "I-I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't speak to you. Y-You're sleeping"

Glamrock Luna: "No, it's ok. What is it Lunar."

Lunar: "No, it's nothing. It's not important it can wait"

Glamrock Luna: *sits up* "Hey, it's ok Lunar just tell me I don't mind even if it's not important"

Lunar: "Well just out of curiosity, I remember you said you like someone right and that someone likes you back"

Glamrock Luna: "Yeah, but it's not you like I said"

Lunar: "Well, I can't sleep and you're my sister now so... mind telling me who it is?"

~ Glamrock Luna's POV ~

As soon as Lunar said that I immediately become wide awake and start blushing hardcore

Glamrock Luna: "Wh-Why do you wanna know so bad. I-It's none of your b-business"

Lunar: "Please... I'm curious"

Glamrock Luna: *sighs* "No, it will be really awkward if I tell you"

Lunar: "Please. I won't tell"

Glamrock Luna: "Its not that I'm afraid of you telling them they already know and like me as well. *says under breath* I'm afraid of that same person hearing me tell you this information"

Lunar: "Then why won't you tell me?"

Glamrock Luna: "Fine, how can I tell you without flat out saying their name"

Lunar: "Why don't you wanna say their name"

Glamrock Luna: "It's personal that's why"

Lunar: "Still... you can trust me"

Glamrock Luna: *sighs* "The person I'm in a relationship with has the same name as you and me just in a different language"

Lunar: "What?"

Glamrock Luna: "Think about it Lunar our names are Spanish for something. You can figure out the name of the person I'm dating from there"

~ Lunar's POV ~

As soon as Luna said that to me she went silent and decided to lean against my shoulder. What she said just made my mind completely blank and I was left more confused than I was in the first place. However I restate what she said to help me think

Lunar: "So our names are in Spanish and you're dating someone with the same name as you and me but the name is in a different language?"

Glamrock Luna: "Yep, and thats your hint"

I then thought more on it and that's when I put 2 and 2 together making my eyes grow wide

Lunar: "MO—?!"

I was then all of a sudden cut off with finishing off the word "Moon" muffled as Luna placed her hands over my mouth. She was now blushing extremely hard

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