Sunrise Returns (Pt. 1) : SAMS Oneshot

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~ Starter A/n (Kinda important) ~
Yep this is another SAMS oneshot. This oneshot is actually based off the episode called "The Death Of Eclipse In VRCHAT" I wanted to do this one too because this was another video I've been waiting for so I guess I kinda wanted to take my own spin on it. However idk how long this one will be it could be short or long but idk. Either way it does start after Sun casted the spell to get rid of Eclipse and returned to the real world. Also another thing before we start yes my oc and Moon are still dating just like they have been in previous SAMS oneshots. However she's kinda mainly focused on Sun at the moment however they aren't a ship just really close friends her and Bloodmoon aren't a ship either in one part she's just showing them thanks for what they did to Eclipse. So yeah now that I got that out of the way enjoy ;3

~ Glamrock Luna's POV ~

It's finally been a month however as for the past few days ive had horrible anxiety because Eclipse finally found and got a hold of Monty. He knows everything Monty knows including where the star is.

Moon had only just woken up from being knocked out by "Possessed Monty" because of Eclipse. Now Eclipse had set up a thing where we can't leave the room or else this thing disguised as one of the barrels will explode.

Eclipse left to get the star that's when Monty calls Moon Monty now no longer possessed. They make a plan and apparently as I expected the only person who can basically save the world now is Sun.

Sun needs to learn that spell and cast it in reverse then shunt Eclipse out of his head. However this is hard because we only have an hour before that star goes off.

If Sun was gonna save the world he had to do it now. So because of that the only person who can help us stall time in order for Moon to get into his brother's head and force or I guess help Sun cast that spell was Bloodmoon.

It was time for the battle of a lifetime. So that's when Moon gives Bloodmoon the coordinates and they get here with in less than a few minutes. After that the battle between Bloody and Eclipse began and Moon was now gone he had already teleported into Sun's head.

So because of that I was now left alone in Moon's room somewhat terrified of what's going happen. In fact as much as I hate to admit if I was kinda hiding underneath the star sheets out of fear. I'm normally not a coward like this but what I was hearing sounded scary. Almost like 2 gods fighting each other.

However even with as scared as I was a part of me also wanted to literally make popcorn and watch the battle between Eclipse and Bloody play out kinda badly.

However as I said I was honestly to terrified to leave the room because based on what I was hearing both Bloodmoon and Eclipse were definitely using different spells to attack each other and I wasn't about to go out there and get myself killed by some rouge spell that missed the target. So instead I just listened form the safety of Moon's room

- Small Time Skip -

I don't know how long it's been but I then hear someone goan from pain. Incould clearly tell it was Moon so curious I get out from under to covers to see moon now on his knees holding his head. That's when I jump of the bed and rush to his side

Glamrock Luna: "Moon! Are you ok"

Moon: "Not really"

Glamrock Luna: "What happened"

Moon: "Don't worry about it Starlight."

Glamrock Luna: "Tell me. You know I worry about you and Sun. Even Lunar as well"

Moon: "Basically when I merged with Sun's mind it hurt... badly. That's because I transported my brain through radio waves"

Glamrock Luna: "Geez, just rest at least for a little bit"

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