A Deadly Trio Team Up (Pt. 2): (SAMS Oneshot)

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(A/n: Well here's part 2. So basically I will probably skip some parts to get into what I wanted to write so with that being said I hope you guys enjoy ;3)

- Last Part -
~ Glamrock Luna's POV ~

With that I see Eclipse let up allowing Bloodmoon to take control.

- Current Part -
~ Glamrock Luna's POV ~

Once Bloodmoon gained control over his body I could tell they were pretty mad at Eclipse constantly saying that they'll kill him until Kill Code silenced them. After that they began talking.

That's when things started getting scary. Kill Code brought up having an accord with Bloodmoon. That was terrifying. The 2 of them would basically be unstoppable. They'd reign chaos over the world with kills and blood.

Kill Code said a few things and Bloodmoon agreed. The 2 of them were now an accord and I nor the computer or anyone else could do anything about it.

After Bloodmoon agreed Kill Code told him to start by shutting off the computer and having Eclipse lower the firewalls. However as Bloodmoon was running towards the computer my anxiety kicked in and I shook my head then ran after him. I wanted to see if I could stop him because I knew this was a terrible idea.

Yet as I was running I hear Eclipse speak up saying "This is a horrible idea! Why did I see this was a good idea!" and he genuinely sounded panicked and anxious just as panicked and anxious as I was.

In fact I'm pretty sure this was the first time I've ever heard Eclipse actually sound genuinely panicked and/or anxious. He was having a small panic attack I swear. So that's when I spoke up stalling Bloodmoon from shutting down the computer for a moment

Glamrock Luna: "Bloodmoon!"

Bloodmoon: "What do you want mother"

Glamrock Luna: "Please don't call me that"

Bloodmoon: "We will call you as what we please"

Glamrock Luna: *sighs* "Fine, I just want to speak with Eclipse. Then you can have your fun"

Bloodmoon: *grumbles* "Oh fine! Do not get use to this mother! We care not of listening to you only father"

Glamrock Luna: "That's fare."

With that I see Bloodmoon shut down.

Glamrock Luna: "Eclipse?"

Eclipze: "What!"

Glamrock Luna: "Hey hey, it's ok."

Eclipze: "I don't want your reassurance or pity you mutt"

Glamrock Luna: "I...*sighs*... Look, I know you're panicking."

Eclipse: "What gave you that stupid idea"

Glamrock Luna: "The fact I heard you say in a very panicked way, "This is a horrible idea! Why did I see this was a good idea!" And the fact I can see someone having a panic attack from a mile away because I get them myself and Sun also gets them a hell lot more than I do. So I'm guessing you're Sun side showed there a little thus causing you to panic"

Eclipse: "Tch, and what can you do about it."

Glamrock Luna: "I can try to help you."

Eclipze: "How?"

Glamrock Luna: "You can try to change your ways and put a stop to this eventually. You know you fucked up and I can tell you want to fix it. So changing your ways may be your option to do so."

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