News Of A New Sister (Pt. 2): (SAMS Oneshot)

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(A/n: Part 2. Honestly I'm surprised I even got a part 2 out of this oneshot for one I wasn't even planning on writing in the first place. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy ;3)

- Last Part -
~ Glamrock Luna's POV ~

Sun: "Anyway Luna, why are you in my brother's robe?"

Glamrock Luna: "Sun, you know I wear it a lot because it's soft and cozy. Plus Moon never wears it he hates the thing because I think he thinks it's to "girly" so it's basically mine now"

Sun: "Right, I forgot about that"

Glamrock Luna: "Exactly. Plus... *chuckles* It's Best If You Didn't Know The Real Reason As To Why I'm Wearing This~"

As soon as Luna said that it clicks, I stop panicking and got a smirk then looked at Moon and teased him

Sun: "So That's Why You Wanted Me To Leave You And Luna Alone~" *elbows him teasingly*

Moon: "Shut up!"

Sun: "Ooo hehe"

Moon: "Sun! Get Your Fucking Mind Out Of The Gutter!!"

Sun: "Just Say It Brother~"

Moon: "No!"

Glamrock Luna: *giggles* "Oh We Definitely Did What You're Thinking Sun That's Why I'm Wearing This~"

Moon: "Luna! Ughhh! I'm going back to bed!"

With that Moon storms off leaving Sun and I cracking up.

- Current Part -
~ Glamrock Luna's POV ~

However Sun and I eventually stop laughing and catch our breath then continued talking

Sun: "But no seriously, is that why Moon wanted me to leave you and him alone last night?"

Glamrock Luna: *blushes* "Uhhh heh heh... y-yeah"

Sun: "No way! Really?!"

Glamrock Luna: "Mmhm..."


Glamrock Luna: "Calm down Sunny. It's probably because for that specifically it makes him feel uncomfortable to say it"

Sun: *sighs* "That's fare. However I'm still curious... when did you and Moon move that far into the relationship?"

Glamrock Luna: "Our relationship has actually been like that for a while now. However we only just started... ya know... having more sexual time together than we use to more recently. Basically ever since Kill Code took over, Moon hasn't exactly been as apposed to having sex with me as he use to be"

Sun: "So what you're basically telling me is that Moon finally broke from his aroace sexuality?"

Glamrock Luna: "No, he's still true to his sexuality at least somewhat. Meaning Moon has basically become demi-aroace instead of fully. That's why he's still uncomfortable with talking about the sexually active part of our relationship with anyone. When we have that time together he has to be in the mood to do it which is still pretty rare"

Sun: "Ah, I see"

Glamrock Luna: "Mmhm"

Sun: "Soooo in that case... are you..."

Glamrock Luna: *slaps him playfully and says jokingly* "Yes I'm naked under this robe you perv"

Sun: *blushes incredibly hardcore* "I... I... I... *shuts eyes tightly*... fuck me"

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