Sun's Unexpected Discovery (Pt. 4): (SAMS Oneshot)

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~ Important Author's Note (Pls Read) ~
Ok so because of last part this part takes place after Sun breaks the magic runes with his amount of power and destroys the base because of how angered Eclipse made him. However this is where things get a bit interesting when the base is destroyed and you see Sun waking up in the video because I'm pretty sure he knocked himself and Eclipse out with that magic. Meaning he also knocked Luna out as you know. However when Luna was knocked out the reason as to why she didn't wake up is because her mental body/consciousness was somehow thrown into Moon's mind scape from Sun's blast. This is because in my Sun and Moon Show au Luna is deeply connected and tied to both brothers. It's because like Monty she's their closest friend heck even closer as a friend than Monty since she's been friends with them basically since a few months after they were created and added to Fazbear's Family long before even separation of the two. However she's also their girlfriend. So because Luna was thrown into Moon's mind scape she was able to see what computer and Moon were up to. However even though Sun and Moon's mana pool and runes were destroyed Luna still has her magic. This is because Luna doesn't share a mana pool and runes with Sun and Moon. She has her own secret mana pool and runes set up way deep under the Pizzaplex below even the ruins of the Pizza Place the Pizzaplex was built on top of so her source of magic is safe. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy ;3

~ Glamrock Luna's POV ~

I don't exactly know what happened last thing I remember was Sun getting angered at Eclipse and setting off another magic spike from anger then everything went black.

I don't know how long it's been but I eventually wake up but my body was in a hell lot of pain. This pain was worse than when Sun accidentally threw me against the wall back at beta 10.

Either way as wherever I was came into view I get up with a few groans of pain here and there. Once I was on my feet I look around only to see a red sky and dark shadows of what looked like it formed outside almost in a canyon in a way. The only thing in front of me was a long endless deserted road.

On looking around I thought to myself "Where the hell am I? What did you do Sun?" as I started walking down the dark deserted seemingly endless road in front of me.

As I was walking I was only getting more and more confused as to where I was. However it soon all became clear to me.

While walking I all of a sudden started hearing whispers curious I listened closer. That's when it became clear.

When it became clear I immediately thought "I'm in Moon's head... aren't I. But why? I never casted a spell to enter it so that's just weird. Ya know what I should probably find Moon, he should be in here somewhere. Maybe I could help him get rid of Kill Code even if a part of me doesn't want to."

So with that in mind I let myself focus and caught on to his scent. Once I had it I followed it and tracked it down.

Honestly it didn't take long I found him and computer in what I think I heard Moon call a "nexus" in passing. A nexus is what's used to move between levels of something.

I guess that meant Kill Code made multiple levels of Moon's mind scape. Meaning maybe that road was only level one. Either way I shake out the thought and was about to call out to him but noticed he was standing still.

When I saw him standing still it made me think "He's reliving a memory isn't he. Maybe I shouldn't disturb him. Which memory though?" Curios I tap into it and saw that it was the one where he and Sun met for the very first time.

After I saw that I thought "Yeah, I shouldn't disturb him." I then tap out of it and waited for Moon to snap out of it. When he eventually does I became slightly worried because he snapped out of it early that's when I heard him say he felt nauseous. That only made me worry even more yet I still spoke up

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