Till Death Do Us Part (Pt. 3)... : (SAMS Oneshot)

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(A/n: The continuation of last part. Yeah I wasn't planning this but I guess I really liked writing with this. So with no further ado part 3 I hope you guys enjoy ;3)

~ KillCode's POV ~

I don't know how long it's been. It's honestly felt like days. Either way Luna seems as if she finally calmed down. In fact she's basically been sleeping the whole time.

This makes me think "If it really has been days has she really been sleeping that long? If so that is concerning. I really hope she didn't become depressed over this. Who am I kidding she probably did it would only explain why she's been sleeping for so long. Either way I'm here for her"

As I was just holding her I was then interrupted by the computer speaking

Computer 2: "KillCode..."

KillCode: *snaps a mean aggressive yet protective growl at it*

Computer 2: "My apologies."

KillCode: *growls*

Computer 2: "I'm sorry to interrupt and I hate to give you this news but it has occurred to me that is best if Luna leaves the systems. It is taking up space as we are not meant to house 4 AIs. I am meaning this in the nicest way possible. She is welcome to stay anytime but as of right now it is slowing the process of my other half backing up which is causing glitches."

KillCode: "How long has it been?"

Computer 2: "Two days."

KillCode: "That long?"

Computer 2: "Yes."

KillCode: "She has been sleeping... for 2 days?"

Computer 2: "Yes."

KillCode: *says under his breath* "So she really is... depressed. Poor... Starlight."

Computer 2: "Is everything alright... KillCode"

KillCode: "Yes."

Computer 2: "Are you positive?"

KillCode: "Yes. Just please... let her rest. She needs it."

Computer 2: "I would if she was not causing issues with the system."

KillCode: "Please... I'll have her leave as soon as she... wakes up"

Computer 2: *thinks to self* "My other half is correct I really am... too nice and I should reject this...*brushes it off then speaks up*...fine. Luna may stay until further notice as long as she leaves upon awakening."

KillCode: "Thank you"

Computer 2: "You are welcome."

KillCode: "Before you go... tell me... what are the updates on Moon?"

Computer 2: "Moon's system wipe is at 75% completion. He should reboot in... 2 days if not sooner."

KillCode: "Thank you"

Computer 2: "The pleasure is mine."

With that the AI leaves me be with Luna once again. In fact about 30 minutes later she wakes up

KillCode: "Morning... Starlight"

Glamrock Luna: *groans* "How long was I out for?"

KillCode: "According to the... computer... you've been sleeping... for 2 days."

Glamrock Luna: "Ugh... that long?"

KillCode: "Yes."

Glamrock Luna: *sighs* "And I'm still tired. In fact I could go back to sleep again. God this is really taking a toll on me isn't it"

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