A Protective Sister (Pt. 6): Lunar Eclipse x Glamrock Luna (SAMS Oneshot)

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(A/n: Part 6 so I hope you guys enjoy it ;3)

~ Lunar's POV ~

After Luna said "sure" we change the topic from being about July 16th and start talking about what we were originally talking about which was how Eclipse and I run the daycare currently while Sun and Moon were trapped in their minds

Lunar: "Ok, so after Eclipse is done chasing kids when the daycare is open. The kids also fall asleep easily with me because they know I'm safe unlike Eclipse who they think wants to hurt them or even kill them."

Glamrock Luna: "Damn"

Lunar: "Yeah, that's why it's a good thing the daycare isn't open fully. If it was Eclipse would probably just give up and let Sun out only to do the job then reclaim control of his body after the day is done"

Glamrock Luna: "Ah, that makes sense. Kids aren't necessarily Eclipse's thing are they"

Lunar: "Far from it. If he took care of kids at the daycare fully he'd lose his patience with in seconds and snap. Heck he loses his patience even with me."

Glamrock Luna: "Damn, I'm sorry Lunar."

Lunar: "I'm use to it. Honestly he thinks I'm a young kid myself"

Glamrock Luna: "I mean as much as I hate to admit that... Lunar, you basically are a giant young kid with the way you act"

Lunar: "HEY!"

Glamrock Luna: *chuckles* "I'm sorry"

Lunar: "No, Its ok. I know it's true. Eclipse purposely made me like that so I would always be by his side. To dumb to turn against him. Then when I do try I can be easily bribed back to his side again. I get bribed by candy, I am a child."

Glamrock Luna: "Lunar..."

Lunar: "No really, just the other day I tried to stand up to him and ask questions. Granted I got a few answers out of him but then when I refused to listen to him Eclipse used this funky little remote thingy in his arm to take control of me and forced me to listen"

Glamrock Luna: .....

Lunar: "Then once I listened to Eclipse by force I literally not even kidding got bribed by him saying I would get rewarded with sour skittles if I went through with his plan along side him. But I can't even eat. Sun and Moon haven't accepted the ways of being half bio-organic half animatronic. So I don't understand why bribed with skittles even worked on me"

Glamrock Luna: "Aw, Lunar"

Lunar: "Like yes Moon eats bolts like popcorn and it does him justice because he installed nano-bots to automatically repair his body every time he eats the bolts. Then other than that both him and Sun drink oil. Heck even Eclipse does that. But actual food doesn't work with us"

Glamrock Luna: "Wow, I didn't know Eclipse does that... *chuckles* does he sip it in a cup or a mug while working or playing games." *holds back laughter*

Lunar: "Actually yes, Eclipse basically drinks it like coffee. He specifically sips it while I'm playing a game for the channel and he's just observing most of the time. I've also seen him drink it like coffee when he's sitting at his desk working on something for his plans."

Glamrock Luna: *breaks* "Hahahaha!"

Lunar: "What?"

Glamrock Luna: *stops and sighs happily then wipes a tear from laughing so hard* "Oh, I don't know why, but that...*scoffs*...that just made Eclipse a whole lot less scary to me."

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