Plans For Repairing Roxy (Pt. 4): SAMS and RWGS Oneshot (Final 1)

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(A/n: ok so before we start I guess this is somewhat of an inspiration from a Roxanne Wolf and Gregory Show episode. It was called "Roxanne Wolf RETURNS FIXED In VRCHAT" only it's my own interpretation. Like as the parts have been going instead of staff fixing Roxy it was SAMS Moon. This is because SAMS x RWGS crossover yes XD. Anyway here's part 4 so I hope you guys enjoy ;3)

~ Moon's POV ~

It didn't take long for me to hear the door open and then I saw it. My Starlight's shattered sister enter the room. It was the first time I actually saw the shattered body of Roxanne. Luna was correct this body was beyond fixable no wonder she needed an entirely new one.

Moon: "Wow, that maternity chip's removal really did destroy you. No wonder my starlight wanted me to repair you"

Roxanne: "What's that suppose to mean"

Moon: "Sorry, I didn't mean to come off as rude I'm just a bit drained and honestly very stressed with all that's going on"

Roxanne: "Heh, wish I could know what that feels like"

Moon: "Oh no it's best if you don't in fact your lucky. All this Eclipse and Bloodmoon stuff has me stressed out of my mind. Because between building your new body I've been stressed over Bloodmoon going missing, finding and destroying Eclipse's backups, and thinking of ways to destroy the star as well"

Roxanne: "Wow, you have a lot on your plate then don't you"

Moon: "Ugh, yeah. It's exhausting I'm glad someone understands even if her emotions are shot"

Roxanne: "Did my sister not understand?"

Moon: "Oh, she does understand in fact she's been my biggest help as of lately with taking over my daycare shifts and all. She also repaired my brother for me so that's something I didn't need to worry about"

Roxanne: "Yeah, she's like that. I'm glad she helped you"

Moon: "So am I, she lifted at least a little weight off my shoulders from that and honestly with as stressed as I am even the littlest amount of weight lifted off feels like a huge relief"

Roxanne: "I bet. I may have my emotions shot at the moment but I can tell you're relived to know your brother is repaired and your daycare shifts are covered"

Moon: "Yeah...Anyway get in the safety cylinder and I'll hook you up to transfer your conscious to your new body then you'll be set to go Ms. Wolf"

Roxanne: "Oh thank god you called me that"

Moon: "I know you and Freddy are divorced now that's why"

Roxanne: "Yeah, and good riddance too."

She then went inside the chamber and we continued chatting while I hooked her up

Roxanne: "Ya know I never wanted to marry Freddy but the fucking maternity chip"

Moon: "Yeah, Eclipse is a fucking evil ass jerk thank god he's gone"

Roxanne: *chuckles* "He really is. I don't even know why I made a deal with him"

Moon: "Because you weren't in the right mind nor are you still"

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