How It All Began (Pt. 5): (SAMS AU Oneshot)

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(A/n: Wasn't planning on making a part 5 but here you have it. Anyway this oneshot will mainly be on Moon talking to his computer then to his brother about how he feels about Luna. Next part it will get back into Moon x Luna. So with that being said I hope you guys enjoy ;3)

- Last Part -
~ Moon's POV ~

As I was stroking Luna's hair and humming "Rises The Moon" without realizing I could tell Luna started to relax and before I knew it she had fallen asleep. As she slept I stayed up and watched her even though I myself was really exhausted.

- Current Part -
~ Moon's POV ~

I stayed up for an hour watching her and protecting her even though there was nothing I needed to protect her from. In fact as I was watching her sleep and basically protecting her I felt something that I didn't originally feel and said to myself "I've denied it for so long but maybe my denying was wrong... what is this feeling... I want to... protect her more than I already do... I want her to be with me. Why do I feel like this?"

As I said that my computer activates which startles me

Computer 1: "Have you considered this "feeling" to perhaps be love."

Moon: "What? No. I only love my brother"

Computer 2: "It is a different kind of love."

Moon: "What?"

Computer 1: "That being... sexual attraction."

Computer 2: "Also known as... loving her romantically."

Moon: "No! I'm Demi-Aroace it's not possible"

Computer 1: "Anything is possible Moon."

Computer 2: "He is right... you have said it yourself. You can love if you find a special person."

Moon: "Yes but..."

Computer 1: "Think about it Moon. Luna could perhaps be your... special person."

Moon: "There's no way"

Computer 2: "Your mannerisms and blush say differently."

Moon: "I..."

Computer 1: "We have been moderating your mannerisms since you met Luna. You act... different around her than you do others."

Computer 2: "We can clearly see you care about her. That there is something there with her that isn't with others. You have even threatened to attack Montgomery Gator for making her upset."

Moon: ....

Computer 2: "Then look at the way you are holding her Moon. You are holding her as if you do not wish for her to leave you."

Computer 1: "You have been moving everything aside to give her your full attention when she is around."

Computer 2: "You have been putting her before yourself as if she is more of a priority than yourself."

Computer 1: "When you talk or hang out with her you are always giving her your full attention. You seem interested and always want to listen to everything she says."

Moon: .....

Computer 1: "Think about it Moon. How does Luna making you feel."

Moon: "I want to be close to her. I want to protect her. I always want to spend as much time as I can with her. Yet just recently when I'm around her I noticed she makes me feel... nervous"

Computer 1: "That is exactly our point."

Computer 2: "So think about it and ask yourself. Is there a possibility that you do in fact love Luna as more than just a friend Moon?"

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