The Alternate Dimension : Can't Take It Anymore: (SAMS Oneshot AU)

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~ Imprtant Author's Note (Pls Read) ~
Ok so oddly enough this goes back in time to the Lord Eclipse dimension. Look idk why but I really wanted to write something with my oc protecting Sun. I mean I haven't written her protecting any of the boys since October when she protected Lunar from the main Eclipse and now I've recently been craving to write her protecting "her kids" as she calls the main 3 of Sun, Moon, and Lunar again. So with that in mind basically in this au Moon will leave a witherstorm yet my oc and Sun helped him to the launch pad and he escaped without even the interaction with Lord Eclipse. Yet because of that Lord Eclipse wasn't so happy about Sun and Luna letting the main dimension Moon escape. So because of that Lord Eclipse is punishing Sun pretty badly that's when Luna snaps and takes Sun's side like she's secretly been doing

~ AU Glamrock Luna's POV (Queen Luna) ~

I would say it's a normal day in our dimension but then I would be lying. Days are never normal when you live in a world where Eclipse is lord.

Either way it's been a few hours since that other dimension Moon left with his Lunar. They left in search of our only launchpad to teleportation or I guess dimension hop. No one uses that launchpad aside from our lord though.

Anyway we knew he might have trouble finding it so Sun and I helped him in secret to find his way. Once we did we let him go. However it was only a matter of time before the lord found out.

Now I was scared as to what was going to come once our lord found out that Sun and I were practically the ones that let the other dimension Moon escape.

Sun and I made a deal that we wouldn't tell the lord what we did yet that didn't last long because I all of a sudden heard the lord yell. That's when I rush to find them and see the scene play out

Sun was currently called back to meet with the lord only to get punished severely.

Lord Eclipse: "WHERE IS HE!!"

Alternate Sun: *sees Luna then turns back to the lord* "I-I don't know sir"

Lord Eclipse: "LIES! WHERE'S MOON!!"

Queen Luna: *mouths the words* "Don't say it sunny"

Alternate Sun: *gets the message* "Like I-I said... I-I don't know"

Lord Eclipse: "Fine... I guess well have to do this the hard way"

Alternate Sun: "P-Please don't hurt me"

Lord Eclipse: "Then... Where... Is He"

Alternate Sun: "I-I honestly don't know m-my lord"

Lord Eclipse: *gives him a hard back hand hit knocking him to his hands and knees*

Alternate Sun: *grunts as he hits the floor*

Lord Eclipse: "Now... *picks him up by the collar*... Where. Is He. Sun."

Alternate Sun: "I Don't Know! I Keep Telling You That!"

Lord Eclipse: *sets him down and punches him once again knocking him down only to pick him up again by the collar* "Do Not Talk Back To Your Lord Sunrise. You Understand"

Alternate Sun: "Y-Yes my lord... I-I'm sorry"

Lord Eclipse: "Good. *sets him down* Now... where is he? Where is Moon."

Alternate Sun: *is now on verge of tears and says under breath* "He's gone sir"

Lord Eclipse: *hits him* "Louder! You Hunk Of Unless Scrap Metal Junk!"

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