Encountering Earth: (SAMS Oneshot)

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~ Important Author's Note (Pls Read) ~
Ok so this oneshot still follows up from the oneshot called "Sun's Unexpected Discovery" only like the title says it's where Sun meets Earth because I decided to skip ahead because why not. Honestly this episode actually made me tear up a little when I watched it, it's because it was so hard to see Sun breakdown like he did. Then what Earth said to Sun really reminded me so much of what my irl Mother says when I have a panic attack or anxiety attack so that just hit home for me and was probably the trigger that made me tear up. So with that being said I hope you guys enjoy ;3

~ Glamrock Luna's POV ~

I didn't exactly stop running until I came across Sun. It took me about an hour to catch up with him but when I did I was actually pretty winded

Glamrock Luna: "Sun! *pants and says under breath* fuck I'm tired *says in normal calling out voice* Sun!"

Once I caught up with him he stopped in his tracks so I do to. In fact I was slightly bent over trying to catch my breath

Sun: "Starbeam?"

Glamrock Luna: *pants* "Hey" *pants*

Sun: "Oh my god! I was so worried about you!"

He then hugged me making me blush but I was able to finally catch my breath

Glamrock Luna: "Why?"

Sun: "You were knocked out cold when I woke up after destroying the... mana pool" *lets go of her*

Glamrock Luna: "I was somehow teleported into Moon's mind scape from that blast. I don't know how but I think it's because my magic was disrupted by you're magic siege breaking the runes which caused my magic to go wonky and made me accidentally cast a mind spell. You're very powerful Sunny"

Sun: "I'm sorry"

Glamrock Luna: "Its fine"

Sun: "Not really... I hurt you twice with my magic..."

Glamrock Luna: "I'm fine ok"

Sun: "But..."

Glamrock Luna: "Its ok... let's just get back on our way to Golden Freddy's"

Sun: "O-Ok"

With that we headed on our way to the mansion of the all-seeing ancient golden bear with god-tier level of power and magic.

- Time Skip -

Once we got to Golden Freddy's Sun got the sigils and what they look like as well as how to draw them and a few extra magic tips. Yet because of timing Sun was also given a few of Golden Freddy's memories. Or more so a fragment of Golden Freddy's soul that was set to fade away after a while.

This soul fragment consisted of magic memories as well as some memories that aren't so great. They were mainly about Golden Freddy's past love life which didn't sit well in Sun's stomach he wanted to throw up but couldn't while Golden Freddy just laughed a little about them.

Eventually Sun got a hold of them and we continued back to the mana pool. On our way there I got a slight smirk and decided to ask about the memories

Glamrock Luna: "What were those memories? Are they really that bad?"

Sun: "Yes! Please don't bring them up!"

Glamrock Luna: "Haha! Really?"

Sun: "Yes!"

Glamrock Luna: "Just tell me. I'm so curious, I've never seen you get so grossed out to the point you actually almost puked if you could"

Sun: "They're ... *gags*... they're basically memories of his...*gags* sex life. But not normal"

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