After The Fight (Pt. 2): Sunrise/Sun x Glamrock Luna (SAMS oneshot)

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~ Edit made : September 16th 2023 ~
Ok so yes I decided to change this up a little. You can now in fact call this a ship. I have given in and have fallen for Sun as well. It's been like that for a few months now. Basically how my writing works with this is that Sun and Moon share Luna between them. So yes... this oneshot... Sun x Glamrock Luna

~ Author's Note ~
Anyway, other than that here's part 2 so I hope you guys enjoy it ;3

~ Glamrock Luna's POV ~
- Last Part -

Sun: "I-I just want my brother back... th-the brother who would help kids fall asleep. Th-The brother who would comfort me when things go bad and I'm upset."

Glamrock Luna: "I know, and as I said I get it Sunny. I get it more than you think..."

- Current Part -
~ Glamrock Luna's POV ~

Sun: .....

Glamrock Luna: "In fact...*goes in front of him the cups his cheeks again*...Even if you and Moon did get into a bad fight because of Eclipse I know you're strong Sunrise and I know that as the days, weeks, months progress you'll get better and better at keeping him suppressed. Moon will eventually come around and apologize to you I know it. Trust me I know my boyfriend and he cares so much about you. In fact he's probably where you left him already regretting the fight you guys had"

Sun: *grabs her wrists* "Th-Thank you Starbeam"

Glamrock Luna: "Your welcome Sunny"

After I said that he hugs me out of nowhere shocking me at first but then I breathe out and hug him back with a light blush.

Glamrock Luna: "Now, what do you say we go get you some oil then take you down to parts and service so I can fix that cracked faceplate of yours. Then once that's done you can go off to Golden Freddy's and give Moon some time to cool off"

Sun: "Ok"

With that I give him my hand and he takes it. We then started heading down to parts and service stopping to get a can of oil for him to sip on.

After that we eventually get down to parts and service and I ask Sun to step into the safety cylinder and sit in the chair of it

Sun: "Are you sure this can be fixed?"

Glamrock Luna: "Hell yeah, it's not major damage at all. All it is, is a chunk of plastic in the faceplate that cracked off. In fact I don't even need to replace anything I just need to use plastic filler to fill it"

Sun: "Alright"

With that I grab the filler then come back. Once I returned I told Sun to hold still while I filled the crack. When it was filled we let it settle and he was all set to go.

Glamrock Luna: "Before you go Sunny, can I check to make sure everything is running as it should be with you? Like I know you didn't have a lot damage done at all but since you're here I might as well take a look"

Sun: "I don't see why not. Moon does it every few weeks"

Glamrock Luna: "Perfect! I'll get right on that then"

Once I said that I go behind Sun and look at the circuit board with the exposed wires on the back of the head plate. I then gently push some of the wires out of the way to see the others underneath.

I know these wires were the most sensitive of the daycare attendants. One unplugged wire or wire plugged into something it's not suppose to be plugged into could mess up how the entire daycare attendant works. Sometimes it could cause a lot of discomfort if somethings wrong.

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