Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

•Taylor's Point of View•

I pursed my lips as I watched Hannah Newman. I was very angry about this arrangement the God damn university of my dreams had made.

"Oh my God, we should throw a party at your apartment this weekend to celebrate everybody getting into their dorms," Typical Hannah talk. "Ellie Goulding's daughter? Oh God no, she wouldn't want to come. I know her pretty well, she's a fucking light weight," I threw my bottle of water across the room in hopes of hitting her head, since I was one of the best aims in senior baseball, it did in fact hit her head, thank God.

"I'm less of a lightweight compared to you. If you don't recall any of the parties you threw, we can go over all of those within these next year," I spat at her, disgusted.

"Oh my God, yeah. I think she's a lesbian, she even got a side cut!" Hannah was truly being pathetic right now.

"Says the one who's actually kisses girls," I muttered under my breath. Not having time for her pathetic lies.

"I have to go, there's a rat in my room and I have to take care of it," She was setting herself up for a punch in the face, "Oh my God. Taylor could you be any more annoying?! I was on the phone!" She actually had the nerve to complain.

"Oh trust me, love. I can be a lot more annoying, you haven't seen the beginning if your behaviour as an absolute child continues," I shook my head at her, still trying to read one of the books mom gave me.

"What are you gonna do? Get your beloved mommy in?" She rolled her eyes but she was treading on thin ice with me.

"Don't you bring my mom into this. I can deal with you picking at me, but bringing my mom into our fight is so not cool," I glared at her, dropping my book onto my bed and probably losing my page.

"Did I find your weak spot?" She glanced over to me, smirking.

"No, I just find you being rude about her crossing the line. Ellie Goulding and I are two different people which means we should keep this fight strictly between us until someday it becomes resolved. If you really wanted to involve our families in this fights of ours, we could bring it to a club and wait to see who's parent gets played on the radio first. I would obviously win," I opened my book up again, trying to find my page again.

"Maybe after a couple hours of a wait," I looked to her, ready to throw my book at her face. I wanted to be the bigger person and leave but that would show her that I was weak against her.

"Last time I checked, the radios still play songs from her first album, so you're sadly mistaken if you think it's gonna take longer than an hour to play one of her songs. I mean you said it yourself years ago, she is turning mainstream," I looked over to Hannah who was struggling to find a come back and I knew I had gotten her there, "Next time, before you open your mouth, make sure you strategically think of what scenarios could go on and think about what you could say that could actually hurt the person. You've always just been childish, you've never actually once had a good comeback that I can recall. It's because you theoretically put your foot in your mouth before you know what to say. You really need to work on that," I watched as Hannah really didn't know what to say now. I knew her better than anybody else, still. She was a lost cause and I would have to put up with her for the next eternity.

I quickly lost interest in Hannah and wondered what mom would be doing. Looking at the clock on my phone it said eight in the evening so she would just be working on getting Connor to sleep, which was usually our shared job. It literally took the two of us to try and get him to settle down. Now since I was gone, mom would be depending on dad to help her and I couldn't help but feel bad about it.

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