Chapter Thirty-Six

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Chapter Thirty-Six

•Taylor's Point of View•

December 23rd, 2013.

"Tay? Have you even started packing yet?!" Sam called from the kitchen and I purposely didn't give him an answer right away.

"No, who do you take me for?" I laughed.

"Somebody more organized?" Ellie's voice came up from behind me, making me turn around, seeing her with her hair up in a hair elastic, wearing minimal make-up, "We're leaving tomorrow night, love. You really should pack," Ellie smiled at me and I nodded.

"I'll do it tomorrow," I shrugged my shoulders, a devilish smile crept upon my face.

"You're going to do it today, actually. We know that if you don't do it today, Ellie's going to have to do it minutes before we leave," Sam had caught me again, "So, do yourself a favour and just go pack now." Sam was totally on Ellie's side.

"It's two against one, darling," Ellie smirked to me. Knowing I had no other choice but to pack.

"Fine, I'll go pack, but only because I wanted to anyways," I walked out of the room, knowing that I had only barely obliged because it was two against one, not because I wanted to pack. I was too lazy to want to pack.

I walked to my room, getting out my suitcase and setting it on my floor. Then giving up there and grabbing my guitar proceeding to play it.

I forgot about the having to play semi-quiet part, completely blowing my cover, and basically telling Ellie I wasn't doing what I should be doing.

She opened my bedroom door, raising an eyebrow at me as she looked down to my empty suitcase, "Am I going to have to confiscate your guitar until you've packed?" She asked, immediately I shook my head 'no', before I placed the guitar on it's stand again, sighing as I got up to actually start packing, "I'm coming back here in thirty minutes to check on you again. Oh, and a little note, if you're going to try and play your guitar again, don't make it seem so obvious. I bet the people in the streets heard you, love," Had I really been that obvious?

Slowly, I made my way down to the floor. Not wanting to pack, wanting to procrastinate so Ellie would have to pack my bag for me tomorrow.

I realized that I should at least cooperate somewhat for those two. But, my guitar was just sat on it's stand practically calling my name, wanting me to figure out a song to play.

I had told Sam I had figured out a song, which wasn't a lie at the time. I thought I had figured out a song, scrapping it almost immediately after I had told him.

While at the SkyCity restaurant last time, Sam and I had talked about my guitar performance. Ellie had zoned out completely at the time, so I talked as if she wasn't there anyways. Although, it would've been nice if she had been listening around when Sam and I were conversing about my upcoming guitar concert.

I was happy and surprised that Ellie had postponed her tour by a day, in doing so she would have to move the first six shows till a day later. As soon as I had finished performing Ellie would have to leave, barely making it for soundcheck in Cologne on the twenty-ninth. I had done my math and since the performance thing started at six thankfully for Ellie, and in that class my last name is Arrows, so, I'd be going right in the beginning. There was intermissions after every forty-five minutes and Ellie would leave after the first intermission. There was fifty different performances, not counting the people that would fail to show because of nerves. I could see by the end of it, only forty kids showing. That would be slightly nicer than fifty, in fact that would be about thirty minutes nicer.

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