Chapter Forty

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Chapter Forty

•Ellie's Point of View•

February 20th, 2014

My head was pounding, but my heart was near exploding. The European leg of my tour was finished and I was heading back to Seattle in three days for four days, heading back to Dublin to start the United Kingdom arena tour. Arena tour. I sill can't get used to the fact that I'm doing an arena tour, I'm supporting myself and not another artist, I honestly feel incredibly blessed.

This time around we had decided to not give me a near heart-attack and plan ahead to which shows Sam and Taylor would be joining us to. We had decided with the shows in Nottingham, and London. Sam and Taylor would be sitting with my mum and Jordan in Nottingham, and sitting with Izzy and her husband for the show in London.

They both had given me one of the best shocks of my life in Paris. They were waiting in the tour bus and everything. Jamie had sneakily gone behind my back and set them up with everything they would need to surprise me and more.

I was heading back home to Taylor and Sam in three days and I had no idea how I was to survive. I had friends and family trying to keep my mind away from those two but despite their best efforts, I still couldn't have my mind be brought away from Sam and Taylor.

I was the happiest I had ever been. I knew that for sure now. I had the most caring bunch of friends and family I could've asked for, and I had fans that supported me as I went on tour. I was truly blessed.

I inhaled and exhaled, my breathe showing as I walked down the street back to my flat. Trying not to be noticed by the paps, but that was impossible right now with the paps living outside my flat.

I had just won a brit award a couple nights ago for being the best British female solo artist, which I highly doubted, although I took it with an immense gratefulness.

Sam and Taylor had phoned me as soon as the award show had ended, telling me I had definitely deserved the award for all the hard work I put off, and such. I really couldn't believe that those two who always brightened my day, who were also constantly telling me the most encouraging things, I had lost for almost fifteen years.

As I walked to see my flat, I let my head fall down with my hood up, not letting the paps get a single photo of my face. There was more than last nights showing and I was wondering how that would be. I thought the limelight would be off of me and onto somebody much more controversial by now.

"Ellie! Is it true you're cheating on your boyfriend?!" That was enough for me to hear to know why each of them were still here. Although I was truly enraged at their thoughts, I had to keep my cool.

"Ellie! Are you and your now ex-boyfriend going through a custody battle with your daughter!?" Okay, now this is ridiculous. Why the actual hell would people believe this one?

As I placed the key into my flat's door knob then opening the door, a sudden urge in my body made me turn around.

"You're all bored again, aren't you?" I accidentally let slip monotonously, then opening the door fully and letting myself in, but before I could hear what any of them were fussing over, I shut the door in their faces.

I lazily took off my boots and coat. Really having my semi-good mood thrown to the ground.

As soon as I got into the living room I got my phone out from my pocket and dialled Sam's number, knowing he would just be heading home from work now and Taylor wouldn't have to hear.

One ring, two rings, three rings, four rings, five--

"Hello?" Sam answered and I was instantly comforted by his voice.

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