Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

•Taylor's Point of View•

August 29th 2013

"Ellie! Ellie, where are you?!" I asked worriedly, my pulse was increasing every growing second in the darkness that surrounded me.

I felt a presence within the darkness, but I didn't feel protection. It wasn't Ellie.

"Taylor, we've missed you." I overheard a familiar voice. I knew that voice anywhere.

"Mom?!" I called

"Taylor, we're right in front of you." My mom called again and there I saw them. My mom had a grin present on her face, my dad looked ill.

"It's your birthday." I remembered right as it came out of my mouth, it's my mom's birthday today.

"Clever girl. What are you doing for it?" She asked, even though she knew the answer as well as the next person. It wouldn't be spent with her.

"You're dead, I can't spend it with you." I said regretting every single word I had said after I said them.

Suddenly they disappeared and rats were in their place. I hated rats.

"You're the reason why we're dead, Taylor." I overheard my fathers voice in the darkness and my breathing pace picked up again. I hated this.

The rats started to crawl up me, sending shivers down my spine.

"This is all your fault, Taylor." My mom's voice now went off, A lump in my throat was forming as I was trying to get the rats off me.

The rats wouldn't budge and my adoptive parents' cackles were getting louder. I slumped on the ground defeated, bringing my knees to my chest. I started sobbing, this wouldn't of happened if I had just not run off.

"Taylor!" I heard a different voice yell and that got me out of my trance. I didn't bring my head away from my knee caps but I did listen for the voice again, this voice was nicer. Angelic almost.

"Taylor! Wake up!" The voice yelled again and now It felt as if the darkness was experiencing a earthquake. This was odd.

"Taylor! Wake up! It's okay!" Ellie yelled at me and I jolted right up. My breathing pace erratic, and the feeling of sweat was present on my forehead, the nape of my neck, my legs, my hands, and the small of my back.

I looked around trying to remember where I was, it was pitch black. That was before I noticed Ellie's face, she was pointing her phone's light at my face.

I encased Ellie in a tight hug, sobbing on her t-shirt.

"It's okay, it's okay Taylor, i'm here." Ellie comforted me, holding my back with her right hand and her left hand resting on the back of my head.

I swallowed the thick saliva caught in the back of my throat. I was breathing heavily, but I just kept sobbing.

When I let go of Ellie for a second to try and regulate my breathing pattern, I saw the digital clock on her side, stating that it was only five in the morning.

"Taylor breath." Ellie instructed and I nodded trying to follow Ellie's much calmer breathing pattern.

My face was hot and sticky from the tears, that dream was realistic in it's own ways. My mom and Dad's voices were exactly how they were a month ago.

I laid myself down as I felt a bit lightheaded, I had quite deep shallow breaths now.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Ellie asked looking down at me worriedly

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