Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

•Ellie's Point of View•

July 30th 2013

"Ellie! Has Sam texted you back yet?! I need to know if I have to get into good clothes later!" Taylor yelled from the living area, she was eating breakfast, I hoped. I quickly checked my phone to see if Sam had replied but it was Tuesday and he didn't get off till four-thirty, with an exception of a lunch break. He hadn't replied yet.

"No, He hasn't love. His lunch break isn't for another hour, hold tight." I replied chucking my phone back onto the bed as I looked for my damned toothbrush, it was here ten minutes ago. no less, no more.

I heard Taylor groan in the background. I also heard soft chuckles from Hannah directed to Taylor, how cheeky.

I was throwing the contents of my suitcase all around the room only to remember I had brought my toothbrush into the bathroom. I hated this new hotel room, so confusing it was.

It was just as luxurious, just saddening how Sam wasn't the mechanic, for Taylor's sake.

This was our second time meeting up but Taylor had asked if we could go dinner style instead. I was fine with that honestly. I'd obviously bring Hannah back something, she wasn't coming and she was pissed at me and Taylor. The cute pissed where you can't actually be flatly mad at the person because you love them so much.

"Hannah?!" I asked

"What!?" She asked back, mainly yelling.

"Can you make sure I send an email to the passport guy? I need to make sure Taylor get's a passport by the twentieth of August!" I yelled back too lazy to go and ask her formally.

"Of course Queen E." Hannah remarked still slightly pissed, not as much since Sam hadn't replied yet.

"You're very funny when you're upset Hannah! Is Taylor eating food of some sort?!" I asked again seeing my toothbrush on the cabinet table and sighing from relief that I wouldn't have to go through that stupid pile of clothing to find it.

"I'm eating a fruit tray, Ellie!" Taylor yelled back

"Good!" I replied before brushing my teeth.

"Oh my god, Elena Jane! What the hell did you do this for!" Hannah's voice rung and I didn't know what she was talking about, nor did I know why this thing she was talking about was so urgent that she would need to use my first and middle name.

That was when I remembered about the clothes chucked all over the room. I backed up from nearing the doorway and backed into the bathroom again wearing a smirk upon my face. Taylor very well saw me and shook her head trying to contain her laughter.

"What are you talking about, Hannah?" I asked

"I'll go into that bathroom and drag you by your ear if you don't get your arse into this bloody room and clean this mess up." Hannah warned and I took that as it was my only warning.

"Yes, mum." I replied giggling along with Taylor who was holding her gut and mouth looking like she was about to give away any minute.

I walked into the room and Hannah was trying not to laugh as well, who couldn't laugh at this.

"Okay look you don't have to clean this up, i'm just teasing." Hannah chuckled and I nodded "I have to anyway Han, we're not staying here forever." I smiled sweetly

"You better bring me back something from tea with Sam and Taylor." Hannah said glaring at me

"You'll probably get my leftovers." I teased and Hannah whacked me aside the arm playfully. "So thoughtful."

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