Chapter Nineteen

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  • Dedicated to all of you, i

Chapter Nineteen

•Sam's Point of View•
[^bet you didn't expect this one, shazam^]

August 29th 2013

"Hey, can I get a blanket for my daughter? She's currently in room one hundred and nine." I asked a nurse and she nodded, finding me a blanket right away.

"Thank you so much." I noted heading back to Tay's room, As fast as I could go.

I finally found the room once again, opening the door silently to see Ellie was softly serenading a sleeping Taylor, as Ellie stroked Taylor's forehead. I would've been an idiot not to capture that sweet moment on my phone so I did just that, taking a quick little picture of the two.

"Was I too late?" I asked and Ellie whipped her head to me as she held her free hand to her heart, "Jesus christ Sam, don't scare me like that." She took a deep breath in trying to regulate her breathing schedule once again.

"A smidgen too late though, yes. She just fell asleep. I think we should quickly put it on her then leave and hope i'm legible to have custody of Taylor. it's been an hour and thirty minutes now, if we head back now they should have the results." She said removing a couple of pieces of hair from her eyes to behind her ears.

"Let's do that. Oh, and you have a beautiful voice." I complimented and Ellie went red, "You heard me?" She asked seemingly horrified

"I probably took a picture of it too." I smirked and Ellie rolled her eyes smiling slightly, "You better send that picture to me, Sam." She laughed lightly, taking the blanket from me and putting it over Taylor's ice cold leg.

She quickly left a quick kiss on Taylor's sweat filled forehead and we left, the things mothers do I'll never understand.

"We better be getting some proper food somewhere too. I could go for a salad." Ellie admitted and I laughed. That was before I remembered about Penny, that poor dog.

I opened Ellie's door in my Audi as her side was closer, she left a quick thank you, and then I sent a text to my neighbour asking if he could go to my house, and let Penny outside for a couple minutes and feed her.

As soon as I got into the vehicle, I was apprehensive to start the vehicle. Ellie was looking at me, I could feel her stare burning into the side of my head. I wanted to stay there forever, in some sort of cliché way.

"Sam, you should give me your phone so I can text myself the picture of Taylor and I, you told me you took." She asked almost as a whisper. In my brain she had asked me as a whisper, but in real life she had asked me normally.

I took my phone out of my jacket pocket, and handed it to her without a second thought.

"What's your passcode?" She asked not wanting to disable my phone, "One-Nine-Eight-Six; my birth year." I replied and a lightbulb went off for her, "I forgot we shared the same birth year." She happily went off.

As I drove back to the police station, getting caught in rush hour traffic was just as horrid as I knew it would be. To pass time Ellie silently played the radio, and silently sung along to the songs being played.

Thankfully, the traffic wasn't as bad after we got out of the busy part of Seattle. It had been past thirty minutes and the officer would be waiting for our arrival to discuss Taylor with us. When I saw the police department in sight both Ellie and I let a sigh of relief out.

"Oh, Sam. Here's your phone!" Ellie noted handing me the device, "Thanks, El." I smiled at her and she smiled back, one of those big real smiles where you can see her white pearly teeth, and her eyes squint slightly. With that future award winning smile, I was puzzled with how she was single. She told me this morning that she was in fact single. I was confused, with her beautiful smile, and amazing looks, I was so confused with how she didn't have every man in the world on their knees for her.

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