Chapter Thirty-Two

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Chapter Thirty-Two

•Taylor's Point of View•

November 28th, 2013

"Can you be any slower?!" I complain, getting anxious to hop in a taxi and get to my school before the whole faculty leave.

"I can! Don't bloody tempt me, Taylor." Ellie yelled from the bathroom, then I heard the sink running and hoped she was just finishing up, so we could go.

I retrieved my phone from the bed side table and hoped the taxi Ellie had called for would be able to get us to Rainier Beach High within twenty-five minutes. Then, walking past the bathroom to see she had finished brushing her teeth and was fixing her eyebrows, again.

"Your eyebrows are fine. You've painted them in yourself two times before already today, stop." I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Pure annoyance.

"I did that on purpose." She smirked.

"Sure ya did. C'mon, the taxi is probably waiting with the time you've taken." I grabbed her hand basically dragging her out of the hotel room. Before she stopped me, so she could retrieve her phone, her wallet, and the key to the room.

"We would've forgotten this damned key if I hadn't of stopped you. Taylor, calm down, I don't understand why you're so excited to go get a mountain of school work, are you that bored at home in London?" She asked, skeptically.

"No. Yes. I mean, no, but yes, I'm not but I can be. Yeah." Talk about not being able to make up my mind. Oh, I know where I get that from.

Cough, Ellie, cough.

"C'mon, let's go the taxi is probably here." She totally just did that on purpose.

I walk hastily, with Ellie lagging behind, taking her damn time making sure she has everything. We're almost in the elevator when Ellie calls out that she forgot her chapstick.

I groan in frustration as she tells me to wait there with her wallet as she races to go back and get a small tube of stuff you put on your lips. She's purposely doing this.

I push the elevator button and it opens to my relief and I get in, disobeying Ellie, completely. I push the ground level button and it takes me there immediately.

I'm betting one hundred dollars that Ellie's panicking about where I am, right now. We were in a corridor, I was in front of the elevator and it was completely visible from our room. Her best guess would be the elevator, well it should be, and shame on her if she has to inspect the incident first.

And if she gets on at me for disobeying her, it's not my fault she has to go back to the hotel room in search for chapstick. I see one of the three elevators stopping at the eighth floor, the floor Ellie and I are staying on.

I stay stood right in front of the elevators. Hoping to surprise Ellie.

Once the elevator on the far left stops and opens, a worried looking Ellie stepped out and a look of annoyance came off her eyes.

"Taylor Jane, dammit! You almost gave me a bloody panic attack. After everything you've been through, I would've thought you would've been more sensible than to run off. Somebody could've taken you, or worse. You couldn't of waited three seconds before I retrieved my bloody lip balm?!" Ellie was choked, I guess I did get her points, but, she was taking forever, and I am impatient.

"I'm anxious to go to school and you were taking a long time, I just want to get this whole thing over with." Correction: I didn't want to keep Sam waiting.

"Listen, we'll get there. Don't run off again, love. I was mainly worried because you have all my money and ID with you." She went off, rubbing my back as she hugged me. "Now, shall we go?" She asked, taking back her wallet. I nodded, in reply before she took my hand and we left out the doors. Those two paps we had to deal with in July were there and I shook my head at them. They literally had nothing better to do than to follow Ellie and I in Seattle.

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